Prologue: Louise's Letter to the Audience:

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Philippines, in the year 2021 is the only known country in all of South East Asia which is dominated by Christianity and it's various branches...despite this large amount of number with Islam being a second dominant belief however there are also those people in small percentage practicing the beliefs of the olden days which can be categorized under Paganism, In some circles of fundamentalist religion claim those whom practiced the old beliefs in the open are crazy and heretical and will be punished by their deity, others in more scientific beliefs are able to somewhat also tolerate the presence of Pagans daring to tell them about their belief, there are also those who live by the philosophy 'I live my life the way I see fit and you live your life the way you want to'

That was how my younger twin brother Nathaniel and I, Louise who live in this modern society viewed everything to be. Until by a twist of fate which can only be explained in supernatural means declared our bodies as comatose after becoming collateral damage in a car accident brought our souls to the times before modern civilization, no we're not talking about landing in Dr. Jose Rizal and the time of the heroes who fought for our independence in an instant, Rather Nathaniel and I found ourselves in what is described as the time prior to colonization and where Pagan practices and it's practitioners were common in the land and the practitioners are not bullied, discriminated and ostracized by anybody and is respected too partly due to how the Diwata who are mostly consisting of Abba, his children Apolaki, Mayari and Tala, Idianale, the name of the mortal woman Abba loved, Datu, Raja and Babaylans work together for the betterment of humankind where the era itself has conflict, love and peace towards each other...This is the setting of how I, Louise will tell the tale of the beliefs of ancient past, as homage to the deities of ancient past and to those who've suffered injustice and religious oppression at the hands of those wielding the power to the country's system during colonial times and the effects of the colonial beliefs to the modern day society. 

Despite everything humans have done, Abba and his children in the skies are always watching over every living being. It is my hope and pleasure that someday there will be equality for every beliefs system and we will be able to bring back respect not only our ancestors by our actions, but also the deities including the deity in Christianity and Islam belief, and hopefully one day we will all be able to coexist without one side fearing the other side as a persecutor

Blessed Be,

Louise & Nathaniel

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2021 ⏰

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