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LEXI COULDN'T PUT HER FINGER ON IT, but there was something intimidating about Ainsley Neuville

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LEXI COULDN'T PUT HER FINGER ON IT, but there was something intimidating about Ainsley Neuville. It wasn't her appearance, no Ainsley looked like one of the nicest girls you'd ever meet. Her accent didn't make her threatening either. She could promise to kill your entire family and it would still sound nice and polite. Lexi wasn't sure exactly what it was, but there was something about Makayla's best friend that intimidated her.

Speaking of best friends, Lexi couldn't stop thinking about hers or at least her former best friend. Like everyone in school, Lexi had become aware of the new bond formed between Rue and Jules. Rue seemed better with Jules, happier and it made Lexi's heart clench.

She'd spent nights in the bathroom crying after Rue's overdose. She counted the days until Rue was out of rehab, just to watch as someone else swept in and became a safe haven for Rue. Lexi knew that Rue didn't owe her anything, but she'd missed the friend that she'd once had.

Lexi found herself not paying attention to the pep rally that was currently going on in the cafeteria and found herself watching as Rue and Jules whispered amongst themselves and giggled as though they were the only two people in the world.

"You stare at them a lot," Makayla states, causing Lexi to look away from Rue and Jules's lunch table.

"Huh?" Lexi asks in an attempt to play dumb, but she might have oversold it with the way that Makayla was looking at her with an amused smile.

"Rue and Jules? You watch them a lot," Makayla clarifies, though Lexi already knew who and what she was talking about, "Didn't you and Rue used to be best friends?"

"Yeah," Lexi answers.

"What happened?" Makayla asks curiously.

Lexi shrugs because she couldn't exactly point to a single incident that ruined her friendship with Rue. They never had a falling out or an argument, they just slowly stopped spending as much time together and suddenly Rue went down a path that Lexi certainly could not follow, especially not with what happened with her father.

"I suppose we just grew apart," Lexi answers simply.

"That happens," Makayla says with a nod, "Sometimes it's for the best."

"Rue isn't a bad person," Lexi defends, and Makayla quirks an eyebrow.

"I didn't say that," Makayla tells her, "Addiction isn't something that's easy to get over and I'd never blame Rue for that. I'm just saying that sometimes we grow as people and find that people we were once friends with don't share similar interests anymore."

"Oddly wise words," Lexi says. She was unaware that Makayla could be deep, not that she found her shallow, she just didn't seem like one to care much for wisdom.

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