Episode 01: A Cage With no Walls

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Word Count: 2209

Yugo should have known that things were never going to go his way. Since the tender age of 12 when he had discovered his power for making portals out of pure Wakfu energy, things had progressively getting worse and worse. Finding out he was adopted was already a punch in the stomach. Growing up, little Yugo had never known a mother but hadn't questioned it much. When other kids asked about it, he just shrugged and said he didn't have one. Finding his birth family was exciting and he wouldn't regret that journey and all the friends he made along the way for an instant, but finally meeting his real family in the middle of a battle and learning everyone left was a bunch of orphaned children was a hard hit to take. It was heartbreaking when he thought that he and his brother were the only ones left after old Grougaloragran died, but trusting and confiding in someone who claimed to be family and finding out the hard way that they had taken away your family before he was even born was downright horrible. Even if Quilby hadn't directly staking Eliatropes through the heart, he was still the provocative force that led the Mechasms to massacre and Yugo would never forgive him. No matter how many enemies he faced, Yugo swore to defeat all of his opponents by hand himself to ensure they were done with. Unfortunately when things had finally reached their peak in the fight with Oropo, the shambles that the Brotherhood of the Tofu were left in and the remaining demigods were whisked away to another dimension before the bomb exploded, destroying Oropo and Echo with their entire dimension. So much for that resolution.


Yugo coughed and sat up, head spinning. Where was he? The ground beneath him was cold marble tile, slightly dirty but not enough to brush off of clothes. There were people around him, most of whom he recognized, and some he assumed were demigods he hadn't met yet. They were talking in whispers and leaning against some of the pillars that stretched on as far as the little Eliatrope could see.

They must have really been in Inglorium, since no other place could have such a clash of an effect. It was godly and warm yet ominous and eerily empty. He wondered how this could be the realm of the gods being so empty. There wasn't even anywhere to sit besides the ground.

   Nobody had noticed he had woken up yet, which Yugo was grateful for because it gave him time to recollect. Adamaii was there, standing solitary off to the side. He was glad that he hadn't gotten killed in the explosion, but he still had mixed feelings about his brother because of their argument. It was a tough pill to swallow, and unfortunately it tasted to bittersweet that Yugo wasn't even sure he wanted to patch things up at all.

   "Papa! Mama! Yugo woke up!" He heard Elely burst out from next to her mother.

   "Shh! The baby is sleeping! Be quiet." Evangeline whispered.

   Dally walked over to him as he stood up and straightened his clothes. "I'm glad you're up. Is everything alright?"

  Yugo nodded. "I was going to ask the same thing. Is your baby alright?"

  Dally's eyes filled up with tears and he gave the same wide, watery smile he did when each of his other two children were born. "They're perfect. They and Eva are in perfect health, and Amalia helped wrap them up in leaves and dandelion fluff to keep warm as they nap. We decided on Olivo for their name."

  "Olivo is an awesome name. They're lucky to have you as a dad, Dally." Yugo could tell that Dally was over the moon and couldn't blame him. The Sadlygrove family was so warm and bright that it lit up the ongoing void with the little snorts of a sleepy baby.

   "Yugo! Yugo!" Elely jumped up and down and tugged on his arm. "Since you're awake, now you can make a portal and get us out of here!"

   Yugo paused. "If we are really in inglorium, then I can't do it. I'm not strong enough to open a portal to a whole new dimension."

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