Episode 02: Find Me (part 1)

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Word Count: 922 (sorry its short lol i lost motivation halfway through-)



As he slowly came to, Yugo felt his limbs buzz back into reality. He clenched his fist to make sure it still had feeling, and he felt pebbles in his hand. Hadn't the floor been clean tile in inglorium..?

He opened his eyes and tried to raise himself up his arms, but he got dizzy and let himself fall back down.

"Did I... make it?" He weakly coughed out. Yugo's eyes began to focus and he noticed the familiar tree's leaves above him. Dangit.

"No, you fell down from the sky unconscious." Coqueline picked off some of the pebbles embedded in his face.

Ush chuckled. "It was pretty funny, too. You hit a couple branches on the way down and even broke the floor!"

Yugo looked over, and noticed he was lying on a large crack in the floor. It was a miracle he wasn't dead yet.

He stood up, and leaned on a pillar when he started to feel lightheaded. He checked out his limbs carefully. The boy was perfectly fine.

"You Eliatropes are durable, eh?" Ush barely turned his head.

Yugo didn't respond. Instead, he turned to Coqueline. "Was i out for long?"

"No, actually. You were only asleep for a couple minutes!" She pulled at his cheek a little. "Your recovery was almost instant too. Must be some crazy Eliatrope magic!"

Yugo chuckled. "I have been told I'm hard-headed, but I'm not sure it was complementing my 'Eliatrope Magic'"

Ush flicked his tail impatiently. "Did you find anything helpful up there?"

"Well the higher I got up, the more it felt like the air was electric. When I got far enough, I saw some sort of colorful crack in the sky. When I shot at it, it opened up, but I couldn't get into it because I passed out."

Ush furrowed his eyebrows. "Interesting. I felt the buzzing aura at the top of the tree aswell."

"Maybe if we can reach that crack we can get back to the world of twelve!" Coqueline added. "But if it's the buzzing that made you pass out, then I don't want to risk it."

"Maybe the air was just thin?" Ush questioned.

"I've never heard of air feeling 'electric' before. Maybe it was toxic fumes! Or sleeping gas!"

Yugo thought about being up in the sky for a moment. "I doubt it was any kind of gas. It felt like the air itself was closing in on me. Maybe the gods have some sort of protection on that place."

"Creepy.." Coqueline grabbed into his arm "If you're feeling better take me up there to see for myself!"

"Leave him alone, Coqueline. You're going to kill him." Ush growled. "Yugo, are you sure that's it? It's so mysterious."

"That's everything." Yugo lied. "Are you accusing me of lying?"

Ush snarled. "I did no such thing. I was just hoping to get all of the information."

Yugo was about to argue back when he heard footsteps from the other direction.

"YUGOO!!" Percedal yelled from a distance.

The trio turned to see groups A and B running over.

Amalia immediately tackled him in a hug. "Oh gosh, I'm glad you're alright!"

"We heard a loud noise, is everyone okay?" Poo pinched Coqueline's cheek, but pulled away and flinched when she tried to bite his finger.

Group C relayed the information they learned to the others.

"Peculiar.." Black Bump scratched his chin and sighed.

"Amalia? Do you want to take a look at the tree?" Yugo asked.

Amalia stood up and silently nodded. She almost glared at him while passing, and Yugo felt his blood boil. One second she was hugging him, the next she hated him. He could never understand her.

The Sadida princess put her hand on the tree trunk and closed her eyes. Pulses of green energy ripples through the tree, and frowned.

"This tree is a paradox." She traced a finger over the glowing blue grooves in the tree. "There's no sign of life, but when I use my Sadida magic on it, It's like It's..... calling to me."

She put both of her hands on it and closed her eyes, sending waves through the trunk. Nothing visible happened.

Amalia's eyes shot open. "I felt a ...connection, this tree could be our way out. Please, give me some time to work with it alone."

Yugo nodded solemnly and turned to face the group, who was drifting away from the tree.. "We need to explore on our own while Amalia is working with the tree."

Dark Vlad howled with laughter. "Dontcha think that's obvious kiddo? And stop ordering us around!"

He grunted. "I'm just trying to help."

Arpagone rolled her eyes. "Let the adults take care of things."

"Don't act like I'm a baby you old-"

Dally slammed his foot down with such a force that he broke another floor tile. Amalia complained from over by the tree.

"EEEENOOOOUGH!!" He howled. "We need to work together! Yugo is a levelheaded man and a good leader, don't disrespect him!"

Yugo sighed in releif. "Thank you Dally, now where was I-"

"And for you, Yugo: step down a little sometimes. You're not our commander, everyone should be putting in equal work." The red headed warrior interrupted. "If you die from stress, we'll all really be stuck here!"

The young Eliatrope stood there wide eyed before grunting and sinking back into himself to brood. "Fine, whoever has a plan speak up."

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