o13. taylor swift

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AS THE DAY began, the feeling of rage-filled Olivia's body. "How can she be so clueless?!" she screamed into her pillow. Tate, trying to comfort her, turned on the TV and played some Taylor Swift.

"Baby, she's Sagittarius what did you expect?" Tate rolled her eyes as she folded her clothes and stuck them inside the closet.

Olivia rolled on her back on the bed, now starting to sing in her mind the song that was playing.

Everybody wants you
But I don't like a gold rush

'Gold Rush' was Olivia's all-time favorite song. Ever. Since it came out she and Iris would play it nonstop and sing to it. She always wondered what it was like to feel what Taylor felt when she wrote it. Loving someone you knew you'd never be able to have.

"You know, tonight I'm going over to a friend's house with Cora and Mandy. You should come," Olivia suggested to Tate.

"I don't think I will. The date from the other day was amazing and I'm coming over to his place tonight," Tate smiled, trying on different clothes. "Okay, but use protection," Olivia giggled, noticing how excited Tate was about this date of hers.

By the time Olivia was getting out of the shower, Tate had already left the apartment. "Great," she whispered to herself, noticing Tate had left a note.

'Liv I'm probably gonna be out until really really late so I made a copy of the keys in case you come home before I do :)
Tate ♡︎'

Olivia smiled at the thought. She threw the keys into her purse and called a cab to Cora's apartment.

"I think Liv's already downstairs!" Mandy said after a few minutes. "Well, let her in!" Cora said, curling her hair.

"Hiiiiii!" Mandy said in a sing-a-song voice. "Maaaaandyyy!" Olivia replied, hugging her. They had only exchanged a few words in the past few days but talked like they knew each other their whole lives.

Olivia walked into the apartment. Everything was just like it was the last time she went there. "Cora is in the bathroom. We're leaving if she doesn't hurry the fuck up," Mandy spoke up loud enough so Cora could hear her from the other side of the apartment.

"Fuck you, I'm ready," Cora answered, sitting on the couch, putting on her shoes. Mandy mocked her as she closed the door behind the two girls and Cora simply smacked her head. Olivia giggled at their childish actions.

She was a bit nervous. Meeting new people wasn't one of the things she enjoyed the most, but she didn't mind it. At least she knows a few people there.

"Do you ever play music in this fucking car, Mandy?" Cora asked, uncomfortable with all the silence that had been filling the car drive for the past five minutes. "You play whatever you want," Mandy handed her an aux cable. Cora smiled at her sarcastically and connected her phone.

Cora turned to the back seat, where Olivia was sitting. "Any requests milady?" she said in a flirty tone that Mandy noticed. "You have your eyes on the road," Cora whispered and smacked the back of her head once again as Mandy laughed.

"Well... I do love some Taylor Swift," Liv smiled, taking Cora's phone and going through her playlists. She found one with the music she liked the most and pressed shuffle.

They sang the whole car ride and jammed to the songs. They felt truly happy when Mandy rolled down all the windows and they were singing 'Love Story' at the top of their lungs as the wind brushed their hair.

Once they arrived, Wyatt greeted them once again like they did previous nights. "Oh shit, it's Olivia. I love your music," Wyatt's hand flew to their mouth. Olivia chuckled and walked in, next to Mandy and Cora. "Here," Cora directed her to the living room where they were all hanging out like the other day, only this time, Olivia was there.

"Iris!" Olivia screamed and jumped on Iris, who was sitting peacefully on the couch talking to Finn. "Shit! Liv!" Iris smiled and hugged her back. "Didn't know they were friends," Cora muttered under her breath.

The night went by and they had an amazing time. Sophia wouldn't stop staring at Cora, who was always talking to Liv nonstop. Everybody noticed that. Everyone but the two of them.

"I would like to propose a toast," Wyatt said as he raised his cup. (He was already a bit drunk when they arrived). Everyone turned to him and smiled at how goofy he looked with his messy curly hair and opened shirt. "To single life! Because we don't need a partner to be happy!" they said and chugged the whole cup.

He immediately collapsed into Olivia, making her spill her entire drink in her shirt. "Cheers!" she said sarcastically, trying to get him up from her legs. "I'll help you clean that," Cora directed her to the kitchen. "Someone take care of Wy,"

Finn and Iris carried him upstairs.

Now in the kitchen, Olivia and Cora were looking for a kitchen towel somewhere, but they were hard to find. "Here," Olivia said as she closed the drawer where it was.

Cora wet it with hot water and then started to rub it on Olivia's shirt. Liv could've perfectly done that herself, but Cora was glad to help.

"See? It's gone," Cora smiled and placed the towel in the kitchen sink, as she laid her back on the counter.

Olivia paced around the small kitchen nervously, not knowing what to say or what to do now. Should they go back to the living room? Should they leave the house and go back?

"We're leaving. Wyatt passed out," Mandy chuckled with a slightly drunk voice. "I can drive," Olivia smiled and grabbed Mandy's keys from her hand, noticing she wasn't in the correct state to be driving this late.

Olivia dropped Mandy at her house. "You can take my car, guys. I'll go pick it up tomorrow," Mandy said as she locked the door of her house. Leaving Cora and Olivia alone outside.

"Do you want me to drive you home?" Cora asked. "Or do you wanna stay over at mine?"

"I wanna stay over," Olivia answered with no hesitation.

"Great," Cora smiled.

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