Coming Home (Edited)

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When Jimin and I arrive in Suncheon, we drive to my parents house, I never sold it, it was my childhood home and if I ever find my mate it will be a nice family home or a vacation home if we chose to stay in Seoul. We walk in and its so clean and smells fresh,  Yoongi did have someone work on the up keep, because it doesn't look unlived in at all, I will have to make sure to repay him for his kindness. 

I call Yoongi after I show Jimin his room and get myself settled into my parents room, he is on his way over, I ask Jimin if he is hungry and that when Yoongi gets here we can grab a burger before heading over to Namjoon's. "We will have to grocery shop later on so that we have food in the house, there is nothing here", I say. 

I open the door and there stands my friend, I really miss him and shame on me for losing touch, "I don't have a right to ask, but can I have a hug", I say. He leapt into my arms, "I am so sorry Yoongs, I didn't mean to drift so far away, but I got so caught up in everything, I really did miss you", I say hugging him tightly. "I missed you so much Jinnie, I could have kept in touch too, so I apologize also", he says.  He pulls away and I see a scar over his eye, "Yoongi where did you get that scar."

"We kind of have a feud going with neighboring pack, we are trying to keep it from escalating but they are hellbent on fighting", he says. "What are they so angry about, we are a peaceful pack", I asked. "Namjoon's son slept with the pack leaders son and now the son wants to mate Jungkook, but Jungkook has major issues first of all, and he isn't Jungkook's fated mate, so Namjoon has stood his ground and told them no several times", Yoongi says shaking his head, "that boy is more trouble than he is worth sometimes." 

I notice Yoongi look over my shoulder I see his eyes change to red, I was taken aback till I look behind me to see Jimin with beautiful blue eyes. "Holy shit, there is no way you two are fated mates", I say, "what are the chances, Yoongi this is Jimin, my friend and personal nurse, Jimin this is my best friend from high school Yoongi", I move out of the way so that they can meet. "I am going to grab my shoes and then we should go, I'll drive so that you two can sit in the back and do whatever it is you do", I say laughing.

"So what's it feel like exactly, when you find your mate", I ask looking at them thru the mirror in the back seat. Yoongi looks at Jimin, "Like a pull, your wolf gets anxious and needs to be near its mate, there isn't pain or anything, it's just a very strong connection." I drove us thru a drive thru and asked Yoongi to drive us to Namjoon's while Jimin and I ate, we hadn't eaten since this morning.

I took my phone out and texted New, letting him know that we made it and that I would call him later, he replied back saying he missed me already, and I couldn't help but smile.  We pull up to Namjoon's house, "god it looks so much smaller", I say. "Its because you got taller", Yoongi laughs.

Yoongi knocks on the door and a very handsome man answered, "Hobi, this is Seokjin, Seokjin this is Namjoon's mate Hoseok." I stretch my hand out and he shakes it, "it is very nice to meet you." "Wow, Yoongi and Namjoon didn't do you justice, you are gorgeous", he winks. I laugh, "Thank you, how is the patient doing", I ask. "Anxiously waiting for you, he is very excited you are here, come on in", Hobi says leading us to the back of the house. He opens the door and tells me to go in, I step in the room and he is sitting up in the bed with his eyes closed, I stand there for a minute looking at him and he opens his eyes.

"My Jinnie", he cries holding his arms out for me. I go to him and hold him as he cries into my chest, "what is going on Joon-ah, you stressing yourself out." "Let me look at you so I can see what's going on", I lay him back against the headboard and grab my stethoscope. "Look at you, all grown up, I am so proud of you Seokjin", he sniffles. "I owe a lot of it to you Joon-ah, Jimin can you come here please", I say turning to the door. He walks in, "Namjoon this is Jimin my personal nurse, he is going to be helping me make you better, Jimin this Namjoon, leader of the Crystal Blood pack."

"Why is Yoongi standing there staring like he is going to explode", Namjoon whispers to me. I giggle, "because believe it or not Jimin is Yoongi's mate and he isn't liking not being able to be near him while we exam you." "Is that why Jimin smells like that", he asked wrinkling his nose. "Yup, Yoongi scented him, twice already", we bust out laughing looking over at Yoongi to see him pouting. 

"Okay Joon can you lay flat on your back for me, I brought my portable EKG machine, I just want to see what's going on in there, then Jimin and I will head over to the clinic to see what we have to work with", I say removing his shirt and attaching the electrodes. He lies down and I start the machine, while we wait Jimin and Yoongi stand in the corner with each other, I glance at them, my chest tightening a little, I'm envious, I can't deny it. I stand next to Joon and read the results coming thru, "hey how is your son, I know he spent a lot of time with his Appa's family and wasn't around much, but I remember seeing pictures of him", I ask.

"He is a handful Seokjin, he is only 21 and he has already decided that he is going to reject his mate, he is hell bent on it", Joon says sadly. I look at him surprised, "Does he understand the consequences if he does that", I ask concerned. "No, he won't listen to me, I told him to talk to Miss May, if anyone knows its her", he says. "Did he", I pull the paper up and look at it. "I dont know, I haven't had a chance to talk to him, after our discussion is when I started feeling this", he says pointing to his chest. 

"Jimin, can you come here please", I call him over and show him the read out. He looks at me, then at Namjoon, "we are going to keep you hooked up to the machine, just so we can get constant readings", he says fluffing up Namjoon's pillow. "If you want to sit up let someone know so they can help, sometimes chest pains will ease up when you sit upright." Jimin checks all the electrodes to make sure they are secure and being around a bare chested Namjoon is not boding well with Yoongi as he sits in the corner pouting, Namjoon and I just laugh. 

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