Brother's Dilemma: Chapter 3

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Brother's Dilemma: Chapter 3

By: SoleMann

OMG... will this night of pain ever end... crap it's only a little after 2:00 in the morning.... Stephanie, yeah that's who told me the last thing I needed was to irritate the area before surgery... she must know what she's talking about, since she's in school to be a surgical nurse or something... speaking of nurse, if I recall, she dressed in one of those short old school nurse outfits a few years back, right down to those strappy heels... oww, oww, oww... damn, I'm writhing in pain down there from the strain its causing on the sutures, yet I can't seem to keep my mind off my sister's feet... ok... now where was I... oh yeah, first time meeting the doctor...

After what seemed like forever, the receptionist finally slid open the tinted glass window and told me the doctor was ready to see me. As I got up, mom asked me if I'd like for her to go in with me for support. I just gave her that shocked "what the heck" look, and she gave me a huge grin and burst out laughing, saying that she was just trying to ease the tension.

One of the nurses led me back to the exam room and told me to get undressed and put on one of those hospital gowns that just tie in the back. Then I sat and waited some more, which was fine by me, since it gave me a chance to calm down after watching a certain someone dangling their shoe off their foot for the last half hour. But best not dwell on that again. The door finally opened and this girl next door looking woman, probably in her late twenties, with her hair tied back in a ponytail came in.

She sat down on a stool across from me and proceeded to ask me the usual questions, which eventually led to more personal question regarding my condition. Once she was done, she asked me to lie back so she could exam me. At this point I told her, no offense, but I would prefer to wait until my mom's friend the doctor came in to check me out, since she talked to him personally the other night. She raised an eyebrow, looking at me inquisitively, and a slight smile appeared across her face. She then told me, that she was the doctor friend that my mom spoke with the other night, gave a light hearted chuckle, and said that mom must have forgotten to mention that she was a female doctor.

No, wait, I was sure mom said her doctor friend was a guy, didn't she? Or did she just dance around the subject?... dance around it barefoot... like she does when she's vacuuming and doesn't think anyone's watching... her soft peds leaving perfect silhouettes of her soles in the freshly vacuumed carpet... no, no, no... I can feel things start to tighten down there... don't get distracted... stop thinking about feet... must concentrate...

Ok, there I sat mortified, not only that mom had casually discussed my private situation with her girl friend at a party, by that she didn't warn me ahead of time that my exam was going to be taken by a female doctor. Nothing against female doctors, they are just as qualified as their male counterparts, and more then likely have a better bedside manner. But when it came to having someone checking out your junk, it just seemed a little less awkward to me.

I reluctantly laid back to let her start the examination, and tried my best to keep my mind off the fact that this girl next-door looking doctor was now fondling my privates. But much like now, I wasn't doing a very good job of it. She told me that it looked like what my family doctor had me doing was working and things were clearing up... that's it, bring up my ugly old family doctor... picturing him should keep anything embarrassing from happening... She then started to go over how simple the actual procedure was, and told me to open my eyes so she could show me what exactly was going to be done.

As she did this she started manipulating my foreskin, and despite that I hadn't fully recovered and was still a little sore down there, I could feel things starting to stir. I just couldn't help myself, between her warm hands, the proximity of her face to my groin, and her cute ponytail bobbing around ever so slightly brushing my inner thigh. Suddenly in mid sentence, she smiled coyly and gave me a reassuring look. Don't be embarrassed, she said, this happens more often than you might think. Besides its usually preferred for me to get a look at it this way before any surgery is done, so I can get an idea of how much I can safely remove. Of course, given that you're still a little swollen from the balanitis, it would be best if you came back in two weeks after you're fully healed to get a better idea of how to proceed.

She then got up and sat back in the stool across from me to go over the rest of what she needed to explain to me about how thing would be done, let me know what test I would need to have first, and what forms I'd have to fill out and sign. I tried to concentrate on what she was saying, but my eyes wandered down to the crocs she was wearing. Normally I wouldn't give that kind of shoe a second look, but when she had lifted her legs to rest her feet on the chair's support rod, rather then resting the rubber sole of her shoe on the rod, she slipped the rod between her shoe and her white socked feet. In that position, with her knees bent, I could see from her ankles to almost the arches of her socked feet. She then asked me a couple questions before telling me that we were almost done, she just had to jot down a few more notes.

As she placed her clipboard on her lap, she raised her knees to get a more level writing surface, and I heard a familiar, "clump clump". I looked down and sure enough there were her crocs lying on the floor under her stool. The pads of her damp slightly dirty white socks were now resting directly on the rod. She started to slowly alternate wiggling her toes between one foot then the other, as if stretching them out. Then she slowly started rubbing her feet together, massaging the sole of one foot against the back of the other. She then placed both feet next to each other and scrunched her toes, causing a cracking noise. This broke me out of my trance and we locked eyes. I hope you don't mind, she said, but my feet get so hot and sore being in these shoes all day. Sometimes it just feels good to kick them off and get a little fresh air on my tootsies, and feel the cool rod of the chair on my arches. By the way, I had finished examining you. You could have covered up when ever you liked.

I looked down to where she was glancing and was mortified to see my rock hard head staring back at me. She started to stir, and I thought my ordeal was over and I would just cover up and change after she left. Much to my chagrin, she just slowly stretched out one leg, rolled her ankle a few times, wiggled her toes and then folded her leg across her lap, giving me the perfect view of the sole of her socked foot. I was dumfounded. I just laid there still exposed, blatantly staring at the sole of her foot, taking in every subtle curve of her foot, noting where dark marks were in her socks from being trapped in her shoes all day. Not only could I see the dampness in her sock, but the simple act of her rolling her ankle and wiggling her toes had wafted the scent from her foot in the air and my...

Fudge... the pain, the pain... why do I keep doing this to myself... why the heck can't I keep my mind off feet... deep breaths, in through the nose, out through the mouth... jeez, I swear I can almost smell her socked feet right now... crap this is getting unbearable...

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