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"Finallyyy" Caleb throws an arm around me as we walk into the supermarket. Yes you heard right. After every week we're driving to the nearest supermarket which is one hour away from our camp. The supervisors buy food we need and we buy things we need, like shampoo, tampons, deodorant et cetera. And of course we could buy food, which none of us does. We buy drinks and with drinks I mean alcohol.

"What do you need?" Caleb asks me still with an arm around me. "Women's stuff" I say trying not to say the actual things I need. I don't know why I'm being embarrassed about needing tampons, it really shouldn't be a taboo subject.

"Cool where do we get that?" He asks not leaving my side. Does he not want to buy his own stuff? I mean I don't mind his presence but still... . "Uhm there" I point to the section where all the cosmetics are. He doesn't respond and goes with me to the section. I stop at the tampons and search for the right ones.

"How do you keep track of things here? There are so many sizes and brands" he says overwhelmed. "I don't know some day you just know what to get" I shrug and chuckle.

I find the right ones and take them. I still have shampoo and deodorant so the tampons are the only thing I need. I mean I necessarily don't need them because I had my period last week but you can never prepare enough for the next period. "Do you have everything?" He looks at me. "Yes" I smile and we make our way to the others.

"Ah shit I forgot something, I'll be right back" Caleb leaves me by the magazines. I look trough them because the others are still searching for some things and I don't want to bother them.

"Already done?" A voice behind me says suddenly so I jump. "Shit you scared me" I say to Theo who now stands next to me. "Sorry didn't mean to" he says with a smirk. I don't say anything and pick one magazine.

"You didn't answer my question" he looks at me. "Yes I'm already done" I roll my eyes and look through the magazine in my hand. "Are you mad at me?" He raises one eyebrow. "No, why would I?" I'm not mad...well maybe I am...god I don't know.

"Is it because of how I rated you yesterday?!" He says smiling. Is he proud or what. "I'm not mad and I don't care how you rated me" I say unbothered.

"But you're still mad..." I look at him finally. "I'm not mad" I fake smile, put the magazine back and turn around to walk away. I'm being stopped by him standing himself in front of me so I nearly bump into him. I look up to him and furrow my brows. "I did the order of you three random, you know that right?" He tries to explain. "You don't need to explain. I don't care anyways" I smile and brush past him.

"I'm back" Caleb smiles at me and holds a bottle of alcohol in front of his face. My eyes widen but then I smile. "You're incredible. Who's paying for that?" I ask him kinda confused because we're all not 21 yet. "Markus" he looks behind him where Markus is looking at some candy. I like Markus, he's strict but chilled and let's us have some fun.

Caleb was not the only one with alcohol. When we are all in the bus again I see many other people with alcohol in their hands. I guess today's everyone drinking at the campfire. This is going to be fun. I only drank alcohol one time at a party and I didn't even got drunk so I have basically no experience with alcohol.


"No I wanna lay here" Justin protests. "Fine" Tyler rolls his eyes and we all put our towels on the spot where Justin said he wants to lay.

I am kinda nervous to go swimming because all the times we went to the lake I never went swimming in only a bikini. I always had a big T-shirt over it but now I don't want to wear a T-shirt anymore because it's really uncomfortable especially when you're wet, so I decided it's time to overcome myself.

I put off my shorts and then my T-shirt so I'm only in my bikini, already feeling weird. Many people say I don't have to be insecure and they're probably right but I just can't listen to them...I don't know why.

I look up from the ground and see Theo from the water staring at me. Why's he staring at me like that. His eyes travel over my body and stops them at my eyes. I quickly look away.

"Damn. Why were you hiding that" Jacob approaches me and points at my body. I smile and blush at his comment. "You want to go in the lake to the others?" I nod, we both look at each other agreeing we will sprint into the water and count down from three. "3...2...1" he counts and we sprint into the water. The water is cold but enjoyable.

Theo's pov:
I see her standing alone by the magazines so I decide to go to her. "Already done?" I say scaring unintentionally the hell out of her. "Shit you scared me" she says out of breath. "Sorry didn't mean to" I say and feel myself smirking because of her reaction.

She didn't answer to my question, instead she picks one of the magazines and looks at it. "you didn't answer my question" I look at her. "Yes I'm already done" she rolls her eyes and goes through the magazine.

Is she mad at me? "Are you mad at me?" I raise one eyebrow. "No, why would I?" She says but I can feel that something's wrong.'s because I rated her as the worst yesterday! "Is it because of how I rated you yesterday?" I smile knowing I'm right.

"I'm not mad and I don't care how you rated me" she says unbothered. She doesn't care? Then why's she mad? "But you're still mad..." she finally looks at me. Oh okay she looks really annoyed. "I'm not mad" she puts on a fake smile, puts the magazine back and turns around to go away. Nah she's not gonna walk away like that.

Before she can walk any further I stand myself in front of her so she nearly bumps into me. She looks up to me and furrows her brows. I have to hide a smile because she looks so cute, acting all mad.

"I did the order of you three random, you know that right?" I try to explain myself. "You don't need to explain. I don't care anyways" she smiles and brushes past me. Damn...I look around and see her standing with Caleb who holds alcohol in front of his face.

"Let's go" Caleb says enthusiastic as we put off our shirts ready to go into the lake. Liam and Jacob said they would come after so we're going in the lake already.

We run up to the landing stage and jump in the water with a somersault. We stay for few minutes in the water until Lia and her friends arrive.

They put their towels down and I see Lia getting off her shorts and her T-shirt. My eyes widen, she never was in her bikini once. She looks fucking gorgeous.

Why was she hiding this body. I mean I already saw how her body looks like but to see it without clothes is a immense difference. I travel her body with my eyes. Her collarbone, her boobs, her toned stomach, her slim waist, her legs...god her legs, they look so smooth. I look from her legs up to her eyes and see that she caught me staring. I don't look away tho, she does.

"Man stop staring at the poor girl, you're almost drooling" Caleb chuckles. "I'm definitely not drooling" I turn around. "Sure" he winks and I send him a glare. He puts his hands up in defence and I turn around again.

I see her with Jacob counting down from three. Why's she always with Jacob. And why's she smiling so much with him. They finished counting and sprint into the water.

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