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The day has finally rolled around and Wiz was anxious would be an understatement, Wiz anxiously walked beside Curly on their way home, the silence was unusual normally Wiz or Curly would be talking about their day or about what they were going to do when they got home, gathering as much courage as he could Wiz glanced at Curly before quickly blurting out his question, "so how old did you say the puppy was again" he asked making Curly look at him with surprised eyes before looking away with a small smile, "I think he is about 6 weeks old he is really cute to in fact he kinda reminds me of you in a way" he said making sure to take a quick glance at Wiz, Wiz whipped his head up towards Curly his face bright red making Curly chuckle, "WhAt *ahem* I mean what do you mean" Wiz said his face become more bright as he tried to cover the fact ok that his voice cracked making curly chuckle even more, "well he is a little shy and he reminds me of a small wenner dog and I guess once you get to know him he gets really cuddly and comfortable with you" Curly said as a small blush made it's way onto his cheeks, "hehe well he sounds like an amazing dog" Wiz said as he looked down with a beautiful bright face "haha yeah do you want to meet him" Curly asked making Wiz nod and soon the walk was filled with laughing and jokes as they walked towards Curly's house.

"Oh my goodness I didn't think he would be so cute" wiz said as he watched the tiny puppy try and walk towards them, "hehe yeah he's cute huh here I'll introduce you to him" curly said despite wiz's objections, wiz had an arm full of a small puppy, "oh umm hello boy, hehe your cute like a little cookie" wiz said with a soft smile on his face before he was being licked by the small bundle of happiness in his arms making him laugh, while curly just looked on with fondness swimming in his eyes soon wiz had to put the puppy down after his face was getting to covered in puppy love, so he wiped his face with a rag curly had given him, "hehe you having fun" curly asked with smirk making wiz advert his eyes and hide behind the rag, "yeah hehe I am" Wiz mumbled making Curly smile "that's good to hear!"

For a whole two hours the two played with the puppy before wiz had to go home, "uh well thank you for letting me meet your puppy" Wiz said awkwardly making curly chuckle "no problem it was fun in fact I think he likes you better then me" Curly chuckle making Wiz smile, "hehe ok well bye see you later say bye to cookie for me" Wiz said with a wave as he walked down the driveway "will do!" Curly yelled back before closing the door and looking at the puppy who's head was perked up, "oh no I know what your thinking but cookie can't be your name" Curly warned before he walked towards his room and got ready for bed, yeah today was a good day.

Hopeless in love with you wiz kid x curly winds Where stories live. Discover now