In Asgard

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'Now all I have to do is dust my collection of skulls and I'm done' I thought to myself after doing a whole round of cleaning my room. Then I started to think why I actually have a skull collection and remembered it wasn't entirely my idea, my father, Loki, decided it would be nice to have memoirs of all the people I've killed, right here, in my room. It's not exactly nice waking up to about 20 skulls staring straight at you, in fact it's slightly creepy, even for me, the Goddess of Death.

My name is Zecora and I'm an Asgardian, a princess of Asgard to be precise, my father is the God of Mischief and to be quite honest, I hate him, I mean he is my father, but he's done absolutely nothing like 'a father', the closest he's come to it is suggesting that goddamned shelf of skulls. I've considered moving away from Asgard but it's against the rules to leave under the age of 16 (in human years), so I've always been too young to leave. I will be able to leave though, soon, in 2 days actually, that's when I turn 16. I don't want any celebrations or parties, I'm planning on getting up seriously early to go down to where the bifrost used to be and simply leave, I'm not sure where to yet though, I haven't decided.

I'm going to make sure no one sees me leaving, especially Thor, I'll be in huge trouble if he finds out. I've already started packing, I want to make sure I have everything I need. Being the Goddess of Death, citizens would expect me to be messy, unorganised and morbid. Morbid! I mean I can see where they're coming from but ironically I'm full of life and quite organised thank you very much!

On another note Thor is literally outside my room now and if he walks In I'm dead, oh no, he's walking in, crap, what do I do, suitcase under the bed, lie down, look casual, sorted.

"What do you want, there better be a good reason seeing as you've just barged into my room without knocking"

"I was just coming in to tell you about the royal feast tomorrow, it starts at 1pm and you better be there or I swear on Odin's name you'll be in the dungeon with Loki"

"Okay okay, but why do I have to come, I'm not exactly important"

"You're part of the royal family and the people will expect to see you there"

"Alright, expect me there at 2"

"No, you'll be there at 1 or else"

"Fiiiine, now get out"

Jeez, he's pushy, what's the point in me going to this stupid feast anyway, no one cares if I'm there or not, apart from Thor. He acts like my father, well I suppose he's the closest I've got since Loki became 'I'm going to take over the universe, I'm so great, I don't care about anyone but myself.' If you don't already know I'm saying this in a sarcastic stupid girly voice and it's hurting my throat.

But anyway, when I do leave I'll miss Thor, but only for a few days as I can guarantee he'll come after me when he realises in missing. He's so over protective and that can be a good and a bad thing because even though it's quite annoying, I know that if I need him he'll always be there to catch me when I fall. Unlike 'some people', I'm not mentioning any names *cough* Loki *cough*.

Right, enough of moaning about my not-father, Iii have to find out how to get the tesseract to participate in my 'disappearing act', but first I need to figure out how to take it with no one noticing. Hmm, what would be the best time to commit this rebellion against the whole of Asgard, it kinda sounds bad when I say it like that, nah, never mind, I am the God of Mischief's daughter, what do you expect? A goody two shoes that creates rainbows and unicorns? I don't think so.

Well, Odin and Thor are out, they won't tell me what they're doing but they're going to be out from around 5pm to 7pm and the citizens of Asgard won't see anything, so about 6:30pm will be good. But wait, what about the guards, I'll distract them with something else, like maybe I'll tell them Loki is planning to escape, then I'll run in and grab the tesseract, great, now I can chill until Odin and Thor Leave.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 08, 2015 ⏰

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