My Gege?

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    Shen Wei  was surprise  as he saw his Gege Wang as they say? His Gege Wang jump at him. "I miss you!" Shen Wei  laugh, "I miss you too! What are you doing here?!"

   They're  so excited  Shen Wei  forgotten Yunlan is with him. Yunlan was surprise and can't help to be jealous.  Shen Wei  set him aside quickly because of his Gege Wang. Whom both leave outside to talk. "Ouch.....! With one smile he have forgotten you boss!" Lin Jing tease. Yunlan frown at him as saying your salary  is deduct for  today.  Lin Jing gulp and back away.

   "Jiejie! Why are you dress as a boy?!" Shen Wei  ask. "You fool! Why both of your twin makes shushu and ayi(auntie) worried?! You forgotten to call them! And why I'm wearing a boy's clothes just to get away from unwanted attention!" As she giggled.

   "So tell me did you find your didi?" Shen Wei  explain everything that Yezun have found love as well as he. "So whose the lucky guy?!" That made Shen Wei  excited in introducing Yunlan to him. Yunlan on the other hand can't  help to be angry as Shen Wei  have forgotten him.

   He kept complaining to Da quing  whose getting frustrating  as his writting another chapter of their drama. "Talk to him will you! And have you forgotten?! You never  told me you two are lovers now! Bad friend!" And went back to his writting. "Hey! Da! I'm sorry!" While rubbing his shoulder.

   "Da quing  swat his hand, "Talk to my hand you ungrateful  friend!"  As he turned  back on him. Yunlan on the other hand is giving  him massage at the back making him giggle. "Stop Yunlan stop I say!"

   Well they didn't  anticipate Shen Wei  just barge in with his cousin Wang and saw the  predicament. "This is not what your thinking?!" Da quing  tried to explain. But Yunlan stop him, "Oh! You've remembered  me after all!" While looking at his nails and ignoring Shen Wei's  anger.

   "Maybe it's  you who have forgotten! What  are the two of you doing?!"  He frown at Yunlan. "Ha! Me?! I thought your so busy with your boyfriend!" And pointed to Wang. Wang almost laugh but stop as she seeing the two love birds are having  a fight because of her.

   She cough, "Excuse me! But I'm not...." Yunlan cut her words. "Whose asking  you!" Shen Wei  got angry, "Don't  shout at my jiejie!" Both Yunlan and Da quing  was shocked, "Jiejie!" Wang took off her hat revealing a beautiful  lady with long hair. "Yes! I'm Shen Wei's  cousin!"

    Shen Wei  pulled his jiejie out of the room leaving a dumbfounded  Yunlan and Da quing.  "What are you standing there! Go and apologize  to him!" Yunlan didn't  want too. But Da quing  pushed him out. Making him run after Shen Wei.  Wang wear back her hat so people might thought his a guy.

   While walking away. Yunlan hold Shen Wei's  arm. "Let's  talk!" But Shen Wei  was still angry at him and won't  go. An Bai seeing the two arguing make his advantage in running toward Yunlan and about to  stab him. Wang scream seeing a man with a knife and block his way toward the arguing couple.

   Who by the way was startled on her shout. Sang was walking toward the theater when he heard the shout. As he saw the scene, he thought An Bai want to stab Shen Wei.  And help the frail boy stop him. While they're  taking the knife it thrust into his leg. Making An Bai run away from them. Wang shout for help as she saw Sang was stabbed on his leg. Yunlan and Shen Wei  help him up and took a taxi  to go to the nearest hospital.

    While he was treated there. Wang can't  help to fall for her savior Sang. As he took the knife for  her. Well that what she thought. But as the doctor treated Sang. He hold both Shen Wei's  hand, "Are you okay?! Did An Bai hurt you?!"  Making Shen Wei  shocked on why Sang is worried for him. While Yunlan frown and pulled Shen Wei's  hand away from Sang. Wang on the other hand was broken hearted.

   Seeing  her crush looks lovingly to Shen Wei  instead of her. "Look Sang! I don't  know what are you playing at! Leave Shen Wei  alone!"  As Yunlan walk pass him, pulling Shen Wei  with him. "Who are you anyway?" As Sang notice Wang.  "I'm Shen Wei's  gege! And thanks for saving me!" As she pulled her hat to covered her face because she's  blushing. Sang extended his hand, "I'm Sang if Shen Wei  needed some help just call me!" As she shake his hand while he gave his phone number.

    Wang's eyes sparkle, "Why yes! I will call you!" As she hurriedly run after his didi and Yunlan. "Funny? Why his hand is soft?" Sang look at the retreating figure of Wang as it disappeared  in a corner of the room.

   Shen Wei  on the other hand retrieve  his hand from Yunlan. And pout angrily on him. "Alright! I'm sorry! I didn't  know she was your cousin! I thought he was another suitors of yours!" That made Shen Wei's  face change and blushed.  "Why are you jealous?" As he came near him. Yunlan denied it but Shen Wei  suddenly  pulled him to a kiss.

    "You don't  need to be jealous! Because I'm already yours!" As he wrapped  his arms around him and giggle. Yunlan caught his lips and give him a series of kisses. Shen Wei become shy as he notice passerby looking at them. He tried to stop Yunlan but the stubborn man want to be near him. And continue in kissing him.

    Wang cough startling the two, "I believe  the two of you have made up?" As she started to giggled. "Come here!" Shen Wei  orderd it and  hugged  her lovingly. "Ah Lan! Can she stay with us for a few days?" He ask batting his eyes on him. "Why not? Since she would be my sister in law in the future!" That made Shen Wei  red and Wang laugh.

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