(Trigger Warning this story will contain r@pe and many other things have triggers over this I suggest not reading this story, thank you and enjoy the rewrite of this story)
It was late July in the year of 1997, when a meeting with the other death eaters was supposed to being occurring at Malfoy Mayor, the dark lord had chosen Malfoy manor because of how big it was and also because it would benefit the other death eaters since the manor had eight stories, consisting of many bedrooms, bathrooms, art rooms, libraries, ext. Draco was told about the meeting from his mother Narcissa Malfoy due to the incarcerated of his father Lucius, Malfoy, Lucius and a few other death eaters had been locked up in Azkaban due to their crimes of being  death eaters, Draco of course blamed it on the mudblood because Hermione had publicly named Lucius Malfoy a death eater and Draco wasn’t to pleased at the fact, Draco thought about this as he goes to his closet to collect his new, fancy, black suit that was made out of only the finest materiel and started to take off his white button down shirt, followed by perfectly fitted blue jeans that complimented Draco’s legs, arse, ext and put on the black suit, he went inside of his personal bathroom and fixed his hair so he would look guest approved, once Draco had finished getting ready he opened his door to see Severus his Godfather leaning up against the wall reading a book calmly waiting for Draco to get finished, Draco cleared his throat to get Severus’s attention, it worked obviously, as Severus looked up from the book and to Draco “Are you ready to go to the dark lord?” Severus had asked which Draco  bit back in a snarky but mean tone “If I wasn’t ready, I wouldn’t have came out of my room, now would’ve I? For a potions master I thought you would know common sense” Severus rolled his eyes at the snarky remark as they both made their ways downstairs from the forth floor, once they had gotten to the second floor they walked over to the large table that rested in the room with multiple chairs around it for each of the death eaters that weren’t locked up in Azkaban and sat in their assigned seat from the dark lord, the only problem was, where was the dark lord, Draco didn’t think of it too much as he watches his mother pour the wine for all of the death eaters that were talking with their fellow peers,  except for Draco, he sat there getting more and more impatient by the minute, his impatience calmed down just a tad when the lord had finally arrived, everyone shut up quickly and faced their attention to their lord who just had seated himself, without a word the meeting began, the only one who was talking in that moment was Harry Potter or also known as the dark lord to the death eaters and many other people, it hadn’t even been a few moments in and Draco had heard his name which caused him to perk his head up at what his ears had heard “Due to the incarceration of a few of our death eaters the blame is being put on Lucius Malfoy for getting himself caught, and since he and a few others are locked up in Azkaban, his son who is attending this meeting as we speak, Draco Malfoy will be receiving the dark mark and been giving a nearly impossible task to do, as punishment for the Malfoy family.” The dark lord had told the group of death eaters his voice colder then liquid hydrogen as all of them nodded in understandment except for Severus who had glanced over at Draco for a moment with a serious expression on his face Draco was confused by the sudden look and was about to speak up but Severus beat him to it “Draco, see me in the kitchen, excuse us dark lord, I shall make your job a tab easier and  tell him about the dark mark.”  The dark lord nodded and temporary stopped the meeting so the two could have a discussion, Draco had hissed quietly under his breath once he got into the kitchen because he knew it was going to be one of Snape’s never ending lectures, once Severus entered the kitchen he was proven right as he listened to Snape go on and on about the dark mark was and the seriousness of it all which kind of bored Draco who eventually did dismiss Snape and went back to the meeting not being able to take anymore of the torture of the lecture by that point he had thought that the dark mark would be a lot less painful then having to sit through that, His Malfoy pride and impatience slowly start to take a toll on him as he snipped out “well what are you waiting for I’ve been informed about the mark so when can I actually get it, my patience is starting to wear I’m afraid if we don’t get something interesting going you all are going to bore me to death, my lord” a few death eater gasp and one blurted out “His arrogance is what will get him killed personally I don’t think he’s worthy to be blessed with such a mark from you, Lord” to which Draco was about to speak up to but The dark lord beat him to it by a millisecond “It seems you have forgotten your place here, *insert name here* because last time I checked you worked for me, you have no control here, simply if I say jump you’ll jump if you don’t then the consequence will be severe, nothing more to it, nothing less, but, I welcome you to walk out that door, you’ll be unharmed if you want to dare look down on the way I do things.” The death eater that spoke out of terms got up and without another word walked towards the door, his name will live among the death eaters as the traitor as a beam of green light filled the room with an eerie sensation quickly filling the room along with the light “Now does anyone else have any objections to Draco Malfoy getting the dark mark?” The dark lord asked now turning to the death eaters a dark sadistic smile on his face, some of the newer members shivered when they saw their lord smile while the older and more experienced Death eaters simply shook their head already well knowing what that look meant “um lord if I may ask a question before all of this gets started” Narcissa says softly and the dark lord gave her an approving nod before saying “Go ahead.” Narcissa nods before asking “Is there anyway to possibly make the pain my son will feel, less unbearable to stand?” The dark lord looked over to Severus before giving a hand motion for him to speak “Well, unless we drug him which also has a low chance of working and for me to brew something up it would still be a few days to a week at

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08, 2021 ⏰

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