Lady of the lake

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~time skip at the beginning~
"I try to ovoid water"Archie said
"Personally I pack my swimsuit " Steve said picking his nose
"Extra extra personally it's also my birthday suit"he said eating what came out of his nose
"Geez Steve ,you have a huge problem"I say in disgust
"We're here"Merlin announced
"Quest,quest,quest!"Steve chanted
"Only Merlin is aloud to go in right now"douxie says
"Douxie,stay here and watch the ship"Merlin said
"Aww,we have to wait in the car"Steve pouted
"But I thought we were doing this together"douxie said as I when to put my hand on his back sportingly
"Well Unless if Lexi wants to come"he said
"Oh,no I am ok"I say
He then walks in
Douxie then try's his best to open the door
I when and put my hand on his shoulder and then he puts his hand on mine and gives me a sad smirk
"Hey,at least we don't have to see Steve's birthday suit"Archie said in relief
"To late! Wooohooo!"he yelled as our eyes grew wide
" medusa is not the only one who can turn people to stone"I say as I nervously chuckle then start to gag
"Wait,Merlin,doesn't know shadow magic"I say
"How do you come up with really smart things and act normal about it!" Douxie said "she is right, Claire if you can make a portal we can slip right through!"
"I don't know"she said "Merlin said not to"
"Merlin is not here"he stated
"I don't want to become her!"she yelled
I take the book
"Claire"I say in a calm voice "she is the last person you'd turn into,trust me,I know I haven't found my magic or Magics or anything yet but,please,trust me"
She turned around and sighed
"Ok I will try,but one thing" she said
"Yeah?"I say
"Only if you teach me "she said
"Ok"i say and smile
"Ok put your arms out like this"I say" Ok that's perfect"
"Behind those dorks is your destination your emotional anchor"
"And pull the magic around you and keep focus on your emotional anchor "
The portal ate her
"Ahh!"everyone screamed
"Oh no" you scream
"We're is she!" Archie yelled in demand
"She is in the shadow realm" you say
That's when she fell out of a portal and landed on the boys
"Are you ok,are you hurt"as Douxie squished her checks and look at her
"Give her some space" as Archie hit him down
"Claire are you ok"I say
"Yeah, but I saw Morgana"she said "was it her,was it fear,was it guilt"
"The shadow realm is filled of mystery" I say
"You ready" I say. She nodded
"There is your anchor"as I point to the doors
"wow I did it"she said in excitement
I stepped back to let the friends celebrate because ,I was just a lame weak girl,useless piece of garbage,nothing compared to them
"That's what I'm talking about shadow magic"Steve said
"Well she had a good teach to help her"Archie said as they all look at me
"Yeah,come on teach"she said
"Oh,pfft I was nothing" I say "now she's the real deal"
"Come on let's go see what's taking the master so long" I say as I walk through the portal
~time skip ~
"This lake stinks like butt thunder"Steve yelled
"So where's Merlin?"Claire asked
"Don't worry he can handle him self"douxie said as they looked at the raft with excalibur sticking out
"The lake lady,ok everyone be nice to the goddess "douxie said "Oh mighty lake lady we are here to request your aid"
"And a old wizard if you seen one"Archie said
" I can give you what you seek"the lake lady said
Douxie gave us a thumbs up
"Only you can help us on our quest to fix Excalibur and save Camelot"he said
(Douxie)" that is not what you truly desire, you seek redemption from a score Dementor"
(Claire)"escape from guilt"
(Steve)" validation of knighthood"
(Archie)" roasted salmon?"
"Guilty" he said and shrugged
(You)"you have many,but one sticks out the most,to find who you truly are"
"Come on arch" douxie said
"Sorry"he said
" you are not the first to try and deceive me!" She yelled "YOU ARE NOT WORTHY!" She rises and there was a huge sea monster attached to the bottom of her
"Oh wow"I say
She picked up Steve and ate him
"Steve!"we all yell
"She's right"I yell "All we do is take and take,and don't give her any thing in return"
Then they got Merlin and Steve out of her
" my revenge tasted so sweet"she said
" wait revenge"they said
"You attacked us lady"Claire yelled
" Long ago I gave him the blade, then he trapped me in here"she said
"Wait Merlin trapped you in here "douxie said in shock
" now my prison will be your tomb"she said
That's when I take the blade and yell
"Watch out!" As I used all my strength I broke the wall that kept her in
"Go"I say with a smile "we take and take from you ,and give you nothing, you don't deserve to be in here, even if we Don't get Excalibur fixed you don't deserve to be in here"
She looked at me and so did the others
"I sense great kindness in you that no one can ever Measure up to" she said "here take this"
" Excalibur"I say "thank you "
I Do a little curtsy lifting my skirt a bit
Then she turned back and went to freedom
"Lexi what have you done,wait is that Excalibur."
"Yup,sure is" I say
"Nice work teach"Claire said
"And a got a monster trophy"Steve said "woo,quest!"

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