Wizards underground

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"Welcome back to the 21 century "Douxie said
"Ahh!why dose Lexi have claws like a cat?!"toby said
"Turns out I am no mortal "I say "just immortal"
"Cool,like shapeshifter"he said drawling everyones well at least some of everyone's  attention
"I can sense it"Nari said
"Oh,Nari watch this"I say in excitement
I sing a little tune lol.
"bloom bloom,evergreen grow"I sing in a soft quiet voice then a little flower crown grew in my hand and I put the crown on Nari
"Wow"she said
"Wow, awesome sauce!" Toby said
Soon we landed well,crash.
"They are like every were we go" I say as the arcane order came
"Nari finish what you started,Lexi fulfill your prifocie"bellroc yelled
Merlin made a barrier over us so they will not get us
"Merlin please let me fight"I say
"No,I won't let them get you"he said
"No,ok I won't stand around and do nothing, I already lost my kingdom just because I couldn't fight,and this time I am not losing my people or at least what is left of it"I yelled as my eyes glowed the same colors as before with the glowing tears again
As I pushed my self through the barrier
I graded my reaper staff thingies and started to fight
~time skip~
"Ahh!the blue liquid is in my mouth! It's in my mouth!"steve yelled
~time skip again ~
Claire and Merlin are fighting
People are talking blah blah blah
And I had to stay while they went on a quest
I got worried about douxie
What if he got hurt
Or worse killed
Then Claire and Steve came
And he went on another quest,that Merlin was dead and,my father was the green knight
It was happening so fast.

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