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" ungrateful „

  THE HOGWARTS express let out a gust of steam as the Potters entered the platform for the third time

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THE HOGWARTS express let out a gust of steam as the Potters entered the platform for the third time.

"No more letters from McGonagall, as much as I admire that woman, I can't keep acting like I don't find your pranks funny," Fleamont chuckled.

"Bye Jamesie," Euphemia pinched the 13-year-old boy's cheek, "Bye lovie," She pressed a kiss on both of her children's heads and sent them off.

With only a minute on the platform, James had said hello to about 50 people and found the marauders. Without a second look, James left his sister alone on the cold platform. Sighing, she continued to try and find her own friends.

Jocelyn figured Marlene would be late, Lily would've been early and probably already found a compartment. Alice would be wandering around asking how everyone's holidays were and Dorcas would be in the corner of the compartment reading and quietly listening to Snape and Lily's conversation.

"OI!" An out of breath Marlene jumps on Jocelyn.

Once Joss realised who it was, she relaxed immediately and engulfed her best friend in a hug. "I missed you, you have to tell me everything about America!" She released the blonde from her grasp, "Godric! It must've been so exciting!"

"You're joking, right? America was nothing compared to the Christmas you probably had! Sirius showing up? Ugh, drama! You have to tell me everything!" The two started walking onto the scarlet train.

The two walked past what felt like hundreds of compartments with students chatting about their exciting Christmas's and New Year's parties.

The two girls came across Lily, Snape and Dorcas. "Hey!" the three, shot up at the sound of Marlene's enthusiastic voice.

Marlene and Jocelyn hugged everyone (except for Snape) and sat down, Snape whispered something to his friend and walked out of the compartment, sending daggers towards Jocelyn with his eyes. The girl rolled her own and started to catch up with her friends.

Marlene talked about her Christmas and New Year's in America, Dorcas discussed her music and hanging out with Mary; a girl in the year below them and Lily told us about her awful skiing trip with her sister. About an hour into the train ride, Marlene and Lily had finally finished their debate about ABBA vs Bowie, so, Marlene turned to Jocelyn and asked her about her holidays.

"Merlin, it was...eventful," she laughed, "Sirius ended up coming home with James and me, which was a big surprise to my parents but mum was happy she could help. It was kind of, I don't know, awkward, Sirius and I don't have much to talk about I suppose, but James kept him company. Most nights, they were up after I went to bed and that's really saying something," She chuckled before pausing.

"2 days before New Year's, he got a letter, I was helping mum with breakfast and we heard him, like, grunt out of frustration, mum went up to him, they talked and he went upstairs, got his stuff, hugged James and left." She shrugged.

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