Damb... giant robots...

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I just wanted to say I'm sort of combining the TV series with the movies and I hope you like it :-)

(Elly's Pov)

I must have passed out because before I knew it I was inside a large truck. Black leather seats and a glossy frame work were the simple interior and I let a small smile dance across my face. Whoever owned this beautiful truck had to take the up-most care to make sure the leather didnt rip and everything looked brand new. Confused as to how I ended up in the truck I slowly sat up. Then it hit me like a ton of bricks. The giant robot. Nadiko collapsing and nearly falling off its hand... I then realized I was currently sitting inside the very same truck that turned into the robot.

My face paled and a scream made its way up through my throat and out my mouth. A hand soon covered my mouth and a strong commanding voice spoke next to me.

"Quiet, you'll wake your friend" My eyes widened as a young man sat next to me one hand on my mouth the other making a shh gesture over his lips. He looked around his mid twenties. His hair was a very dark blue with subtle red glow when the sun caught it. A leather jacket hung around his shoulders and a tank top covered his chest. Dark denim jeans and black boots. He really reminded me of a trucker. I met a small smile cross my lips as I realised what I had just thought. Of course he would dress as a trucker considering he WAS a truck.

"Where are you taking us?" My voice was quiet but trembled slightly as I tried to contain my fear. His face softened as he realised I was scared.

"Don't worry I'm taking you and your friend somewhere safe." I nodded and let my eyes travel to my friend. Her hair was sprawled out around her as she silently slept on a put up bed that rested in the back of the truck.

My eyes widened as I noticed a faint trail of blood that ran from her forehead to her chin. Vaulting over the seats ,much to the robots surprise, I made my way to her side and knelt down next to her and ripped my sleeve. Wrapping her head tightly, I stepped back and let out a shaky breath. I had never been one to stand the sight of blood. It reminded me of a painful memory.

"You seem to care very deeply for your friend." I turned to see the robot smiling as he gazed at her slumbering form.

"We've been through a lot together so of course we would be close" my gaze fell to the floor as I tried to hide my tears.

"Too true Elly" surprised to hear her soft yet scratchy voice I turned around to see her golden and green eye lookng at me with love and care. She slowly sat up and groaned as her arm tried to hold her weight. An arm that didn't belong to me slowly pushed her back down. I saw the robot check her arm over and then he sighed.

"Your arm is broken " he paused as he noticed many bruises and cuts covered her body but these ones were old. "What happened?" His voice held conceren and genuine curiosity.

"I got in a fight a while back. Could I ask you what your name is?" His eyes widened when he realised he hadn't told us his name.

"Sorry where are my manners? My name is Optimus Prime."  He smiled.

"My name is Elly and this is Nadiko" Optimus nodded and then sat at the front seat again.

"Ratchet I need a ground bridge and get June." Another voice could be heard a few moments later.

"What have you done Optimus?" A large green vortex opened up in front of us. Optimus not even thinking twice drove right into it and then I had to stop myself from passing out as I took in the sight before me.

More giant robots.....great just great.

Crash Landing (Optimus Prime x OC)Where stories live. Discover now