Aww scrap!!

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(Nadiko's POV)

Dammit!! One minute I'm with the good robots and manage to get away from them and then the bad robots find me!

Great just great! Notice the saracsm...

My Rollerblades could carry me for miles and at a high speed but I don't think they could stand being shot at! A blast hit the spot to my left so turned right. Pushing myself forwards I started to speed up. Until a large green vortex opened up before me.

Quickly applying the breaks. Yes I know rollerblades don't have breaks but you know what I mean! I spun round to see the giant purple droid things surrounding me.

"Leave me alone!" My voice was loud and demanding. I could hear large footsteps sound behind me so once again I spun round. Just in time to see a large metal hand reach forwards and pluck me from the ground.

"Hey let me go!!" I wiggled as the hand slowly lifted me towards the bots face. I glared at the glowing red eyes that met my gold and silver(sorry if her eyes are a different colour in the past chapters)

"So your the thing lord Megatron wants me to bring back?" The voice was smooth and I just stared at the robot that had elf ears. He had a sleek frame that was painted red. By the looks of his armour it looked like he was a ground veichle. He smirked

"You know I've never liked fleshlings but your fur colour is a nice shade of red!" I blinked. Did I just get a sort of compliment from a giant human killing robot?

"Um thanks. I like your paint job it looks professionally done." He seemed to light up at the compliment.

"Finally someone who knows a good paint job when they see one! I like you human" he smiled and I couldn't help but smile back. His smile fell for a moment, but was soon replaced with a large smirk.

"I might ask Lord Megatron if I could be your guard." He placed his other hand to his face in thinking pose.

"Put the human down Knockout" I knew that voice and I cringed. I turned in Knockouts grip to see none other then Optimus prime and the black and yellow bot standing not too far away with their blasters out.

I could feel the tension in the air get thick as they all thought about what to do. That's when I felt it. At first it felt like someone poking my side directly over my heart before that pain intensified. I screamed bloody murder as the pain engulfed my body causing me to shake in painful spasms. Knockout placed me on his open palm and scanned my body. He seemed to pale.

"Not possible...." He didn't get to finish his sentence as a large electric pulse exploded from my body effectively knocking him out (see what I did there?) I fell towards the ground but Optimus quickly grabbed me and rushed through their own vortex.

Yay I'm back in the place I had just escaped from!!!

Crash Landing (Optimus Prime x OC)Where stories live. Discover now