~Smile for me love~

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God, it's already been a week since that incident with Hisoka. That guy is serious bad news. I guess the relationship between him and I has become better, he's being more respectful of my personal boundaries but is still Killua. He's started calling me a new nickname and for some reason I get butterflies every time I hear it.

"love, what are you doing" I hear a voice say from behind my ear 

"N-nothing" I say closing the so called dairy my aunt Mito snuck into my bag 

"hiding something? should I be worried?" Killua said inching closer to my face (Btw when Killua caught Gon writing Gon was laying on his stomach and Killua was crouching on the side of the bed. now gon is sitting up and Killua is in-front of him sitting on the bed) 

"no Killua it's just a notebook for school" I say scratching the back of my neck hoping he would believe it

"ok whatever you say love" he said booping the tip of my nose, again the butterflies what is up with me? Just as he was about to leave I had the random urge to grab his wrist and I did. We both stared at each other for a second and I let go.

"uhh sorry force of habit I guess"

"it's ok Ima go do some homework..." Killua replied as he shimmied out, god Gon wtf why did you do that. you are such a stupid idiot.

~Killua's Pov~

That was pretty weird with Gon, now that I think about it he's been acting really strange ever since that one day in the nurses office. I should find out what's wrong with him.

~A couple hours later Gon's Pov~

I left a while ago to get some fresh air, I probably should have told Killua but I couldn't even bare the thought of looking at him after that embarrassing encounter this afternoon. After a while of walking around I find it is getting dark "ughhh are you series rn, I'm an hour away from home and it's dark out" I spent the next five minutes trying to contact Leorio and Kurapika but to no avail. that's when I finally decided to like at the 75 messages Killua sent!!!! oh shit, he was pissed! that's when I got a phone call. it was killua.....

~on the phone call~

Killua: Gon.where.the.hell.have.you.been


Killua: I was so worried I just about called the cops!

Gon: I know I know I'm sorry

Killua: I'm coming right now where are you?

Gon: outside of Mandarake Shibuya

killua then hung up, I just sat down putting my back against the wall listening to some music. probably 30 minutes later I heard a really loud horn honking that caught my attention, I look in the window to see a pissed Killua tapping on the rim of the rolled down window. "fuck me" I verbally stated as I knew I was in deep shit. I quickly ran to the car avoiding the rush hour people traffic and get in, immediately he slammed on the brakes and blasted the music  obviously not in the talking mood.

~walking into the apartment~

the whole time it was just silent, I would honestly prefer to have a flirty weird Killua then a pissed one. when we got in he just put his keys down and went to his room slamming the door. I waited about 15 minutes until I got nervous and went to his room door, I knocked three times to no answer. so I just went in to see a sleeping Killua, he looked so cute!! So my Kim possible ben ten ass decided to try to cuddle him in his sleep. I ended up almost falling but caught myself before, then as I layed down I felt a set of arms wrap around me and pull me in, "I missed you" I heard a tired voice say "I'm sorry" I replied "just please, can we stay liked this tonight?" "yes ofc Angel" I said to the cute little figure sleeping with me.

~the next morning~

"if you don't wake up I will kiss you-"

then I felt something on my lips, I immediately sat up and look at the cute person on the other side of the bed

"sorry love, but that was the only way to wake you up" he said

"ugh whatever, I need to go change"

"noooo plsss stay in bed a little longer, I like seeing your cute face"

"shut up killua before the first part of your name becomes what I do to you"

"ok ok calm down love go change, but when you come back I would prefer it if you came in with nothing"

that was my last straw so I got up and ran out to go get dressed in todays clothes, I hear a knock 10 minutes later then the little rat came in to give me some food. 

"you know you could eat what I made you orrrrrr"

"stopppppp" I said throwing a pillow at his face to cut him off 

"ughhh how rude"

"shut up Emily grace"


"Oh what are you gonna do cry?"

(hey guys I hope you enjoy the new chapter, I know its been a while but I just didn't think that it would get this popular but now that it is I will try to get it on to a better schedule. anyways bye bye my loves <333)

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 11, 2021 ⏰

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