Hi I'm Gon!

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I stood in front of the door thinking about what my room mate would be like, wondering what there gender is, personality type, if we will be friends. I hope we become friends! just then I got knocked out of my daze with a tap.

"umm you gonna go in?" a boy with white hair and blue eyes asked

"uhh yeah sorry" I said feeling a bit embarrassed

as we walked in we set our stuff down...Wait this must mean HE'S MY ROOMMATE!!!

"umm Hi I'm Gon!" I say reaching my hand out for him to shake

"Killua" he said as he shook my hand

"you must be my roommate?" he asked

"mmhmm!" I said cheerfully

"well Gon I am going to go unpack my stuff in my room."

"ok!" I say as he waves and walks to the room on the left he seems friendly, Maybe ill get a new friend and his hair is super cool I wonder if he dyed it, of course he dyed it no hair color is naturally white. I wonder if he likes movies and stuff like that I wonder what type of movies he would like. My head was buzzing with questions that needed answers, all of the sudden I felt a little nudge I look over and see Killua looking at me worried

"you good? I've been calling you for the past like five minutes" he exclaimed

"uh yeah sorry I was just thinking about something"

"ohhh was it how hot I am?" he said praising himself

"UHHH WHAT NO!" I said waving my hands in the air in a no motion

"just kidding man calm down, makes you seem like you have a crush~" he said while making a cat like face

"sorry" I say as I scratch the back of my neck

"man you need to stop saying sorry so much its fine" he said in a jokingly manner

"Uhh its kinda a habit sor-" I said cutting my sorry off at the end

"anyways I'm going to the store tonight, wanna come?" he asked eating a string cheese

"sure, when are you going?"

"around an hour or so, I gotta take a shower I hope that's ok?" he asked throwing the string cheese wrapper in the trash.

I look at the clock across the room next to the sofa on the coffee table, it read 5:00pm  I look back and nod my head as a yes. he walks away his fluffy white hair swaying as he made his way to his room and shut the door. I decided to walk to my room and unpack my stuff, Wow my room is actually really nice. I look around and see my bed next to a nice black bean bag chair, across the room was a small Tv on the wall next to it was a clothing rack that held about 20 velvet hangers. well what more can you expect from the top ranked school in Tokyo. I walked over to the Big bed in the corner of the room and started to think about killua...KILLUA, he's actually kinda cute, no I just met him I can't think like that...but he is...

*knock knock knock*

"COME IN" I yell from across the room

"hey you ready?" Killua asked

"mmhmm, lets go!!"

He laughed at my excitement earning a grin from me

"your kinda cute you know?" he said

"w-what no I'm not!" I said as I crossed my arms and pouted

"awww, is the baby mad" he said as he flung his arms around around my shoulders

I just look away and stick my tongue out while he's not looking this earned a grin from him causing him to grab my hand and make me follow him to his car

"ladies first" he waited for me to get in while holding the car door open I just rolled my eyes and scoffed I didn't talk to him at all still being mad he called me a baby, so once I was waiting for him to unlock the door I heard him mutter So you really not gonna talk to me? but Before I could go to my room once we got in he Pinned me to the wall dropping all the groceries

"I don't like being ignored Gon~" he said in a deep voice, making me stutter

"K-killua W-what are y-you doing?

he grabbed my chin firmly making me flinch in fear

"aww did I scare you, I'm sorry baby" he said kissing me on the cheek and picking the groceries back up and setting them on the counter

He flipped on the light switch and saw I was gone

I ran back in my room scared, I locked the door and hid under the covers but eventually I just fell asleep

*knock knock knock*

"*yawns* Come in"

"I can't its locked" I hear killua say through the door

I get up and unlock it throwing myself back on the bed closing my eyes in the process, when suddenly I feel to muscular arms rap around me from behind K-killua!?!?

"k-killua what are you doing?"

"hugging my baby" he whispered into my ear making me shiver

"k-killua please stop"

"why, this is my way of showing you you're mine" he said as he nuzzled his face into your neck, knowing I couldn't get out of his u n h u m a n l y strong grip I stopped trying and just let it happen lowkey kinda liking the feeling...is that bad!

after what seemed like an e t e r n i t y Killua finally let go letting me breathe saying that he should probably go get changed he left after kissing me on the cheek singing a little tune on the way out I could barely hear it but it went like

"killing me softly with his song, killing me softly with his song~~"

errrr creepy, I thought as I got up to go make some breakfast for u s. when I was about to flip the eggs I felt a pair of arms slither around me humming a random tune I tensed due to the sudden feeling. Just as I was about to try to push him off he started kissing my neck making me freeze in place.


I slightly moaned but covered my mouth before too much sound came out, earning a slight chuckle under his breath, his lips still on my neck made a shaking motion as he laughed sending chills down my spine, I need to stop this!

(ok so I hope you liked this, remember that the characters aren't going to have to same personality as the og's so keep that in mind anyways also Killua's duality :0)

~Author Chan~

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