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It was a cold, dark and gloomy day in the streets of London. Rain was falling from the sky, making small puddles on the road and sidewalks.

"où allons-nous, maman?" A little girl questioned, looking up at her mother who was walking alongside her. The little girl waited for an answer, but there was no answer.

They both walk up to a gate with a sign that says 'Ms Greena's Orphange'

"And what is the child's name?" A woman asked.

The little girl looked at her mother, confused. What was going on? She thought. The woman had been asking her mother questions about her and she didn't know why.

"Y/n Luthien Riddle," Her mother answered, looking at her daughter who was looking at her sweetly. She sadly smiled and cupped both of her cheeks, looking at her daughter one last time.

-8 years later-

Y/n was staring outside her window, watching the other kids that were playing down below. The day was cheery as ever but her mood was not. She wished she could play with them, but she can't. She wasn't like other kids. She could make someone fly unknowingly, change her appearance, and do other unspeakable things she couldn't understand. Because of this, the people that were around her was afraid of her, just because they couldn't understand her.

She shrugged it off and looked at the tree that was close to her window. A branch was broken off and a few leaves were slowly wilting down. She stared at it for a moment, the branch had begun to heal itself and the leaves were green again. This didn't surprise her anymore, but she still had questions running through her mind on how she could do these things.

"I must admit I was quite shocked to receive your letter, Mr Dumbledore. Y/n never once had any family visitors," A skinny old woman told the two men she was leading up the stairs.

"We are not family. But her name has been known to us since birth," Dumbledore replied.

"Ahh... I think I should tell you. Special girl, she is, but she's quite odd. There have been incidents with the other children. Nasty things,"

Dumbledore and the man beside him both exchange looks and then continued to ascend the staircase.

The old woman stops in front of Y/n's door, knocks on it, and then turns the knob.

"Y/n, you have visitors," She smiled, warmly.

[Y/n's P.O.V]

There was a sudden knock on the door, snapping me out of my thoughts. I boredly stare out at the window and slightly dart my eyes to the side.

"You have visitors, Y/n." It was the matron.

I didn't move a bit and just continued to stare outside. Probably a Doctor to check on me. I could feel my anger boiling up inside, but I decided to keep calm.

"How are you, Y/n?" The old man had greeted me. I looked away and continued to stare outside the window.

"Don't," I say, stopping him from opening the wardrobe. There were things inside there I didn't want him to touch or see. I look at the old man who was now sitting on my bed. "You're a Doctor, aren't you?" I accused.

"No, I am Professor Dumbledore and this is Professor Snape," He said, introducing the man behind him.

"I don't believe you. She wants me looked at. "They think I'm different," I look down on the floor.

"Well, perhaps they're right," He continued.

I look at him confused. "I'm not mad,"

"Hogwarts is not a place for mad people. Hogwarts is a school, school of magic," He explained.

Hogwarts? School of Magic? What? I furrow my eyebrows.

"You can do things, Y/n, can't you? Things other people can't do,"

I look at him and recalled everything. "I can make things move without touching them, I can change my appearance, I can make animals do what I want without training them, I can make bad things happen to people who are mean to me, I can make them hurt..." Even if I don't want to. I look down on the floor. "Who are you?" I question.

"I'm like you, Y/n. I'm different," I look directly at him.

"Prove it,"

The wardrobe burns into flames, which made me lean back in shock. I slowly smile in fascination.

"I think there is something trying to get out of your wardrobe, Y/n," He told me without breaking his gaze.

I stand up and open the wardrobe. I reach for the box that was inside, the fire was still there but it didn't burn or heat up anything. The wardrobe door closes and the fire engulfing the wardrobe vanished.

"Open it," He said.

I gulped and then opened it. I take out the things inside it : A letter, two tiny dolls and an earring.

"Why did you want these things, Y/n?" I stare at the things that I placed down on the bed.

"I like having things that belonged to other people. It makes me feel close to them," I simply answer.

"Thievery is not tolerated at Hogwarts. At Hogwarts, you will be taught not only how to use magic, but to control it. Understood?"

I nodded and looked down on the ground feeling a bit guilty.

"We'll be going now, Y/n. Leave your window open tonight. An owl will bring you a message. Read it carefully," They started to walk off, but I had another question that had been bugging me for a while.

"I can speak to snakes too," I started. They both stop walking. "They find me and whisper things. Is that normal? For someone like me?"

"It is unusual. But not unheard of. Your Father can also do that, Y/n," He answered.

His words echoed inside my head while I was lying down on the bed. I glance at the letter an owl had sent me. It was my letter to Hogwarts. Hope-filled my eyes as I stare at it. I couldn't help but think, my questions were going to be answered.

 I couldn't help but think, my questions were going to be answered

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