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𝐂𝐞𝐝𝐫𝐢𝐜 𝐃𝐢𝐠𝐠𝐨𝐫𝐲

The Slytherin table applauded loudly. I walked down and glanced at the Gryffindor table. Ron and Harry were clapping lightly both of them smiling at me sadly. I smiled back weakly and went to my table. Honestly, I was kind of hoping to be in the same house as theirs.

I sat down beside a girl who was sorted before me. Her name was Lila something. She smiled at me widely and shook my hand.

"Hi! I'm Lila, Lila James," She greeted. I nodded slowly.

"Y/n Riddle, pleasure," I greeted back.

I look up from across my table, and it was that boy again that barged into our compartment in the train. He sneered at me. I just looked away and started to eat. In the orphanage, we didn't really have that much food. We all had the same food with the same amount. Here there was like an endless line of food that smelled really, really good.

After we finished our meals, we went straight to the dungeons where our common rooms are. Harry and Ron's were somewhere else.

The Slytherin's common room was quite luxurious. Green lanterns were hanging at the ceiling, black leather couch, and the room extends partway under the lake, which gives the light in the room a green tinge. It was truly alluring. We were escorted to the girls' dormitories. I had 4 roommates, one of them being the girl I met at dinner.

All of them were fast asleep, but I couldn't sleep at all. I sat down by the window, looking outside at the water. Sly was asleep in my arms. I pet him gently. Tomorrow is going to be my first day at Hogwarts! I can do this! I close my eyes and lay my head at the window, imagining what might happen tomorrow.

"What am I to do about this, Padfoot?" A woman said, with worry in her voice.

"How about you introduce me to our little one first?" The man named Padfoot said, chuckling lightly.

"Right, sorry," The woman suddenly smiled. She gently unwrapped the cloth which revealed a baby giggling at her tiny hands.

"May I?" He asked. She nodded and slowly gave him the baby. The baby looked at him confused. "She's beautiful, Rosie," Tears filled his eyes as he looked at the baby. He reaches for the woman's cheek and kisses her lightly on the lips.

"Y/n, Y/n, Y/n, wake up!" I hear someone call out. 

My eyes shot wide open. I sit up, breathing heavily as I did. I must've been dreaming again. It's been a long time since I've dreamt like that.

 "It's our first day we're going to be late!" I look to my side, and it was Lila all dressed up in her robes.

"What time is it?" I ask, slowly rubbing my head. It hurts a bit. I don't why.

"I don't know, but get up!" She could basically just scream at me for being too excited. I just nodded and stood up to go change.

The first day of class was exhausting. Finding the Great Hall was easy, you just follow the crowd, but getting to classes was another thing. I had to go up and down the staircases. Open fake doors and tickle paintings in the right spot. Luckily my classes, most of them, were with Gryffindors. So, I often tag along with Harry and Ron to get to classes, but the three of us just end up getting lost together. The other day Ron's brothers gave us a map.

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