PinkBloom pushed threw the heather of which surrounded her. She was off to meet with the stars and hope they would share their wisdom with her.
She soon slid out of the heather completely and was approaching the shared border
What IceFlower had done was unforgivable but would the StarTellers say the same?
The She/Cat had had kits and didn't even say the fathers name and had refused to continue her Healer duties until she had given birth Ever since she had come back she's been different she has been doing all of her work just now more than usual there always never anything to do which normally would be fine but the cats that are getting treated are disapping! PinkBloom couldn't shake the thought of what IceFlower could be doing to these poor cats. Her scent had also changed so much, it's now a smell of mint and dirt and whenever these bodies were found the smell of mint was glassed all over them. She was scared to think that her past apprentice was killing her clan mates a healers job was to save not to kill!
PinkBloom skid across the border to the Meeting tree hoping to get there without trouble from SunClan
Little did she know her own clan mate would cause her trouble.
She soon found herself at the familiar shiny Rock,not just any rock the Rock the clans used to connect to their lost ones.
The she/cat tasted the air and smelt a different sent coming from behind her
"W-who's there!"
As she whipped her head around to see the figure her neck was being ripped at.
the life drained from her in seconds bed she new it she was greating Herself
"Four will become two. to fix it you'll need to become five"
A raspy voice mewed behind PinkBloom
"LoudSpot is that really you!"
"Come on kiddo, let's go"
"B-but what about the clan! Who will send the Prophecy now that I'm gone!"
"We will find that out soon for now follow me!"