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Draco Malfoy wasn't sure why exactly the muggleborn witch had ordered him to the astronomy tower with an owl at 1 am. He wanted to sleep. Sleep was important.

Not like her. But the feeling of curiousity drove him to the edge and finally he stood up, put on a pair of trousers and his quidditch sweater.

She had to swear to tell nobody he walked around like „this" at night.

When her arrived at the astronomy tower he saw a desperate Hermione running in circles and through her hair non stop, mumbling stuff to herself.

When she saw him, she looked up and stopped.

Her fingers slowly wandered into her pocket to get something out. Draco tightened his grip on his wand. Just in case. He was never sure about gryffindors.

„Drink this." she said finally, pulling out a small vial of verita serum. „I believe you. Even if I don't want to. But I need proof. Real proof."

Draco smirked: "So when I see this right, you broke in to the potions chamber of Snape, stole his verita serum and met me, after curfew, just to prove the point I didn't lie? I must be important for you, must I?" while saying this, he took a few steps forward, curious how Hermione would react. She didn't say anything and just stood there, looking at him intensively. She had something about her that he could not explain.

It was like a magnet that pulled him towards her.

„I believe you. I believe that you didn't kill Dumbledore. You wouldn't have the guts to do it." she finally snapped back.

„There she is again, the unfriendly, brave, golden gryffindorgirl. Always on the right path, ambitioned to do the right thing. Always wanting to save everyone except for herself." He spoke with a hint of sarcasm in his rough, still sleepy voice.

"I don't need you to believe me. My parents will get me out of here soon, you won't ever see me again -"  Hermione interrupted him. "Listen, Malfoy. I also have better things to do. But what I want to do is help you so you don't get on the black list and everybody wants to kill you. Just believe me. Now drink this." she handed him the vial and without any hesitation Draco drank it.

"Now," Hermione began. "What's your name?" - "Draco Lucius Malfoy." he answered quick without hesitation.

The verita serum had already ran through his veins and had taken hold of his body and mind.

"What house are you in?" - „Slytherin."

She got out a pen and a small book with, for his surprise, light and dark green features on the front cover.

Hermione wrote some few things done and continued:

"Are you proud to be a Slytherin?" Dracos smile grew wider. „You have to choose harder questions, Granger. Of course I am-" he stopped. A stabbing pain run through his chest up his throat and he couldn't speak anymore. The pain grew and planted itself in all of his organs, like it had spread seeds everywhere in his body every bit of it began to hurt. A burning sensation evolved additionally.

What the fuck was this?

Slowly he realised.

The Verita Serum.

It had the effect on people to cause such pain that they could not fight against it, or else...

But he was a proud Slytherin, wasn't he? He always loved his house, he was ambitioned, he was proud.

The others feared him. Or they seemed to. He always thought that everybody wanted to be in his house.

But maybe he just wanted to be someone else, and not part of Slytherin and the intrigues that came with it.

Not being involved in every bad thing that happened, maybe he wanted to do something good for once.

But it wasn't possible for him.

„No. I'm not proud to be a Slytherin. I am not proud to have been sorted into that house."

The pain immediately was gone. He looked over to the Gryffindor, who wrote another note down and he could see some loose curls falling out of her ponytail.

Funny in what kind of situation curiosity could lead you  into.

As she looked up, their eyes met for a moment.

„Did you kill him?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08, 2021 ⏰

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