baby hugo Part 2

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Well, I need to change and get ready for school," Marinette stretched her arms high overhead. "I guess I'll see you guys at lunch."

"Don't forget to come back and get the baby." Tom reminded her.

"Baby...? I can't take him to school with me?"

"As much as I like the little guy, a bakery is no place for a baby." Tom tickled his chubby cheek with his mustache. The boy gurgled in delight.

"Marinette, I need to go get supplies and your father needs to keep the bakery open. We will help you in any way we can, but Bunnyx did ask you to watch him. I'm sure the school will understand that it's an emergency. I can call them and explain the situation."

"How can you explain that a superhero dropped off a baby?" Marinette squirmed under the baby's gaze. The little guy hadn't taken his eyes off her.

"We can tell them it's Tom's cousin's child. And we are watching him while she's ill." Sabine reached over and tickled the baby's cheek. "I think he even looks a bit like Tom. Don't you think so?"

"I guess?" Marinette sighed and headed back upstairs.

By the time Marinette changed and came back to the bakery, Sabine had already called the school and explained the situation. Marinette hoped Mr. Damocles would object to bringing an infant to school. But after talking with her mother, he granted the request wholeheartedly. Marinette was secretly wishing he would refuse, and that her mom could watch the baby during school hours. But then, she felt guilty for her thoughts. No, Bunnyx brought her the baby, on Ladybug's orders. There must have been a good reason.

Marinette slung the diaper bag over her shoulder as she walked over to her Dad. The baby turned and reached for her as she drew near. Marinette smiled as she lifted him into her arms. He did seem to know her. Perhaps she babysat him in the future, too.

The boy relaxed as Marinette held him to her chest. He was so light compared to Manon or Chris. He smelled nice too. Marinette found herself sniffing his hair; there was almost something familiar about it.

She said a quick goodbye to her parents and headed across the street to the school. With the addition of the diaper bag, she felt like a pack mule. She was clumsy enough on the best of days, now she had to carry her purse, schoolbag, diaper bag, and baby! She probably looked ridiculous.

"It's a good thing you're so cute." Marinette chuckled at the squirming boy in her arms. "No one will notice how silly I look."

Once she got to school, Marinette realized she could have been wearing a banana suit, and no one would have noticed. Girls from all different classes flocked to her to see the child in her arms; all of them gushing about how cute he was. And the little boy wasn't shy at all. He seemed to lavish the attention as he giggled and flirted back with all the adoring girls. Marinette could help but laugh at the tiny entourage that escorted her to class.

"Um... what's with the baby?" Alya asked her as Marinette entered the classroom.

"A cousin of my Dad's is really sick, so we're watching the baby for a week or two." Marinette slid into the seat next to Alya. She shrugged off her bookbag and the diaper bag before she placed the baby on her lap. The little boy excitedly slapped his hands against the desk.

"Oh! Interning as a nanny, I see?" Chloé chided as she and Adrien walked into class. "It's good you're being realistic in your career goals."

"Remind me, Chloé," Alya glared back at her. "Whose mom wanted to take Marinette to New York because she was so inspired?"

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