Tash- E- Unnav

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As she was trying to land properly, her hands started slipping making it impossible for her to maintain balance.

Instead of falling on the ground she landed in two stong arms.
She started thinking " What the hell , why am i not feeling any kind of pain , am i not dead ?" as she opened her eyes ,Her eyes  met with two deep black eyes staring back at her. It was as if she couldn't breathe for a seconf. The person standing in front of her had straight face with sharpline jaw and the best beard . He was wearing formals and was looking extremely Handsome. She couldn't understand was it the atmosphere or was it his deep gaze which was making her shiver.

 She couldn't understand was it the atmosphere or was it his deep gaze which was making her shiver

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For Mnv she was beautiful , no doubt . Her small face with small eyes which showed nervousness. She had a small nose with high chhecbones. She was not so short and was wearing a crop top and jeans.

Both of their staring contest was interruptes by families .

"Unnati, Manav " They called.

As soon as they heard their parents calling, Mnv lost his balance and Unnsu fell on the ground.

"Ouchh" She whispered.

UD- "Unnati what are you doing ? And why are you sitting on the ground ?"

U- I ..I nothing... I was just having a walk , nothing else and suddenly out of nowhere i tripped. I think i should go and get ready.

She said in a go and ran away in order to save herself from further embarrasment.

Mnv along with his family and Unnsu's family was sitting in living room discussing business. The discussion mostly involved Unnati's parents asking questions and Manav answering them.

Honestly Manav was nervous but he wouldn'st admit it. To say he was surprised was an understatement when Unnsu landed in his arms. The way she clutched his shirt tightly , holding him for her dear life, the way she was looking so cute and afraid at the same time. Manav wouldn't say but he felt something at that moment.

His train of thoughts was interrupted when Rivya tapped on her hand.
Rivya- Chachu ! Chachii ko to dekhoo!

There was standing Unnsu looking so pretty in simple suit .She came forward and touched elders feet.

Half an hour passed, and still everyone was having a normal discussion

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Half an hour passed, and still everyone was having a normal discussion .However there were two people who were occasionally stealing glances at each other.

UM- Unnsu why don't you show our garden to Mnv. Go out and have talk with each other.
U- Umm okay !

In the Garden..

M- So?
He questioned her. They both were standing in the garden looking at each other with spectical gazes

U- What?
She asked a bit puzzled .

M- Had fun while walking ?
He snickered while raising his eyebrows.
U- What do you mean?
She said raising her voice a little.
M- C' mon you know what I mean , you can't fool me . I am businessman and I know how to differentiate between truth and a lie. 
U-Look Mr. you would be some businessman....
M- What do you mean by some businessman, I am the leading businessman in Mumbai . Me and my company are at the top position .

He replied with a satisfied smirk on his face.

U- You know what you are just full of yourself, I really don't care what you and your company are , and yes I was not having a walk . I was trying to run away from this situation I am not interested in this marriage and now after knowing you I am definitely not going to marry a person like you who is self- centered and egoist. So MR Chhabra a very Goodbye to you..

Unnsu huffed and was going to walk away but was pulled back by a firm hand . Mnv pulled her towards himself in such a way that she collided with this chest.

M- Tumne abhi jana bhi kaha hai mujhe Unnatiii
U- Janne ka shaunk bhi nahi hai Manavvv
M- And yes you think I am interested in marrying a girl like you who is so arrogant . I only said yes for this meeting because of my Mother. So Miss Malharkar Goodbye to you too.

Manav said and walked away from there leaving a fuming Unnsu behind.

This was it for the chapter...Hope you guys liked it.
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