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Sorry this is long. And a little sad. Whoops.

Silver pulled his only spare shirt from his small bag, grabbing  ice from the mini cooler and piling it into the shirt. Hilda's blue eyes were cloudy with pain as she just sat there, staring at the wall and holding her arm loosely. Silver hadn't spoken a word since they had returned, and somewhat refused to look Hilda in the eye. They were both so afraid she was badly hurt, neither wanted to acknowledge the situation.

"Let me see it." He finally said, holding out the makeshift ice pack. He was shirtless, which did not seem to bother Hilda. It was the least of her worries either way. The seemingly meaningless damage the man had caused, left Hilda in somewhat excruciating pain.

Now they were alone and he could think, he realised the thug looked vaguely familiar. Maybe not his body or face, but just something about him. He didn't look like he belonged in the refined establishment. Almost none of the people they'd identified for their employer did. They looked like the kind of people someone would hire to beat up a man in the back of an alley.

You know, like the squad but less dignified, and less discreet.

"Those people were in here via invitation." Silver began speaking, partially to himself and partially to Hilda.

While he spoke, he sat on the bed beside her, reaching for her arm.

"Don't move it." Hilda snapped quickly. It wasn't an angry snap, but she said it so sharply he pulled away his hand.

"How bad is it Hilds, will N notice?" He immediately asked, giving her the ice pack so she could do it herself. He genuinely sounded worried. Whether for her injury or for what she'd have to deal with when she got home, it was difficult to tell. However, it was enough that he stopped his train of thought to ask about it.

"It's just a bruise." She said dismissively, failing at even letting the ice touch her shoulder without immediately pulling it away.

Before he could say anything else, his phone rang. It was Gladion. He put it on speaker and gave it to Hilda, lying back on the bed tiredly.

"Silver?" Gladion asked hesitantly. He was always cautious calling them when they were out during work. You never know if someone else had their phones.

"What's up little flower?" Hilda replied. They both visibly cringed at how shaky and strained her voice sounded.

"Are you okay? Did something happen?" Gladion immediately bombarded them, sounding like he was going to drive down there himself at that moment. Hint: Gladion can't drive.

"She tripped and sprained her ankle during the dance." Silver lied quickly.

"3, 2, 1, both of you which ankle?"

"Left." Replied Silver blankly.

"Right." Said Hilda at the same time.

They exchanged glances, and Hilda looked at the phone guiltily. Silver just took the ice pack from her and pressed it gently to her arm, avoiding her shoulder a little.

"N is asleep." Gladion sighed into the phone. "And I'm outside. Start talking."

"I think someone recognised us." Silver interrupted Hilda before she could even speak.

"What?" Gladion and Hilda both asked. Hilda was confused. Gladion sounded worried.

"Well maybe not both of us, but me. I think those men work for Giovanni." He elaborated, holding Hilda's hand and gently pressing the ice right onto her shoulder without warning.

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