It'll be just fine - Arvin Russell

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It took me so long to finish this lmao. It's not much, but here you go. Enjoy!

Warnings: a lot of curse words, angst and typos.

(2.3K words)


A long moment in silence passes. The only sound in the car was the low grumble of the radio, that played one of those old church songs that Arvin despised so much. He reached to grab a cigarette from his pocket, but the pointed look you gave him made him put the thing away. He knew how much you hated when he smoked. You always said those were cancer sticks. Although to be honest, the only reason he smoked was because it helped him calm down.

You two kept being silent for a couple of minutes, before you reached out and took his cap off, to run your fingers through his soft hair.

And when you did, you saw his eyes glistening and a tear sliding down his cheek.

"What's wrong Arv?" You asked in the softest voice you could muster, with furrowed eyebrows. His sad eyes looked at you.

"Um... Remember-" He choked up because of tears. "Remember how Nora killed herself? And we didn't know no reason that explained why?"

"Yeah..." You muttered, nodding shortly. Your fingers continued running through his curls, as an attempt to relax him in some kind of way.

"Well, this- this sheriff tol' me... He tol' me he had been told that she- That she was expecting a baby." He finally said and your eyes widened. You did not expect that.

"I'm really, really sorry Arvin, that's terrible." You felt tears forming in your own eyes, and you pulled him into a hug that lasted a while, before he pulled back and wiped the tears off his cheeks. You never met Lenora, as you had only seen her a couple of times, but you knew how close he was to her and what a nice girl she was. Her story obviously broke your heart, just as it broke the whole town's.

"'Tis fine... I'm gonna avenge her."

"You are?"

His statement didn't leave you calm. Arvin had always been very protective of his loved ones, specially when it came to Lenora or you. He could get very agressive, and you didn't want him to get into any problems.

"I know the motherfucker who did this." He said in a low voice. "And I'm gonna kill 'im."

You couldn't help, but let out a gasp.

"You're gonna kill him? Arvin– you aren't serious, are you? You can't... You can't kill someone."

"I have to kill him (y/n). He is why Lenora died. The fucking preacher is why my baby sister died." 

"Mr. Teagardin?" You asked, disappointed, but not so suprised. The guy had always seemed sketchy.

"That son of a bitch got her pregnant. And he has been fucking every under-aged girl in town."

"But Arvin, you can't kill him. You can't. Even if he's a prick."

"What am I supposed to do then? Huh? Am I supposed to let him keep doing what he's doin'? Making trouble for the 'ole town?"

"You'll go to jail! If you kill him, you will go to the damn jail!" You tried to grab his arm, but he shook you off.

"(Y/n), you ain't understandin'! It's more complicated than that."

"I do understand Arvin! I know what's good, and what is no good. You can't go around, killing-"

"He KILLED MY LENORA!" He yelled. A little taken back by his shout, you leaned back in your seat, and let a few tears run down your face. He was crying again too, out of frustration and uncertainty, besides now he was feeling bad as he had just yelled at you.

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