Chapter 195

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Who is playing with you?" Seeing that the police came, Xiao Guihua felt that she was a victim. She hurriedly pointed to Zhou Aiqin and said to Lao Geng: "Comrade Public Security, this person is the vixen Zhou Aiqin in our deserted village. You catch her, I Selling jelly here well, she deliberately kicked over my jelly stall and refused to lose money. I was so angry that I tore it with her."

Lao Geng followed Xiao Guihua's fingers and saw the half-flat baskets stepped on the ground, and a pile of jelly mixed with soil, his face turned black.

"Come with me. Others are doing business, how can you smash their stalls? Playing the piano!" Lao Geng shouted at Zhou Aiqin.

"Comrade Public Security, wronged! This is my own jelly, my mother-in-law made it, I am willing to smash it, it doesn't matter to her Xiao Guihua!" Zhou Aiqin cried out injustice.

"Who said that this is your jelly? Look, the surname of my man is written on the basket! Your Zhou Aiqin's surname is Hu? Bah!" Xiao Guihua lifted the basket that was turned over and pointed to the upper side and wrote it in red paint. Yelled the word "Hu" in his.

In the countryside, many people will mark their baskets and pole hoes and other tools. The most common is to write the surname of the man in charge. Xiao Guihua is very confident at this time.

"Xiao Guihua, you own this jelly? Didn't you sell it for my mother-in-law?" Zhou Aiqin couldn't help screaming when she realized that it was wrong.

"My own jelly was made after hours of work yesterday. When did it become your mother-in-law's?" Xiao Guihua said angrily.

Zhou Aiqin was dumbfounded. She couldn't believe it, she was so angry that she smashed Xiao Guihua's booth, but she smashed it wrong?

"You two are not allowed to quarrel, go to the police station to talk if you have something to say." After listening for a while, Lao Geng understood what was going on and hurriedly shouted.

"Comrade Public Security, I don't have to go, right? Zhou Aiqin kicked my stall, she should pay me money." Xiao Guihua smiled at Lao Geng.

"No, you both have to go. The law and order penalties that just came out yesterday require a day of detention and fines for a street fight." Old Geng waved his hand and asked Xiao Jin and Xiao Wu to get ready to do it.

During this period of time, the few gangsters in the town became more and more disobedient. The new law and order penalties are formulated specifically for this gang of punks. Unexpectedly, the gangsters hadn't used it yet, but two women from the country bumped into it.

"Comrade Public Security, I...I don't know Xiao Guihua's jelly is not my mother-in-law's! Don't catch me, I won't dare next time." Zhou Aiqin saw Xiaojin walking away with a pair of bright handcuffs. Coming over, I was so scared.

"Why is there a fine? I don't want Zhou Aiqin to pay for the jelly. I won't go to the police station." Xiao Guihua was also shocked.

Fine! I don’t know how much to fine! There is still another day of detention. After returning home, I wonder if I will be beaten up?

"If you don't want to be handcuffed, just be conscious and come with us." Old Geng scolded.

Seeing that Zhou Aiqin and the others were not cooperating, Xiao Jin and Xiao Wu slid out a pair of handcuffs from their back waist.

At this moment, Zhou Aiqin and Xiao Guihua didn't dare to object, they each packed up their baskets, and followed Lao Geng and them to the police station.

I walked on my own, and it was a bit of face.

If they were handcuffed and taken to the police station and passed back to Dahuang Village, others would think they had done something heinous!

After Lin Susu and Wu Fengjiao returned to the village, they just got off the tractor and saw Su Tianle standing by and rubbing their hands.

"Mom~!" Su Tianle yelled embarrassedly when she saw Wu Fengjiao.

Wu Fengjiao glanced at Su Tianle, but did not answer him. For the two sons, Wu Fengjiao felt great resentment.

"Mom, I'll take the burden, you rest." Su Tianle leaned to Wu Fengjiao's side to show her courtesy.

"No, I'm not old yet, so I just want to move." Wu Fengjiao said sullenly.

When she first moved out of the Su family, Wu Fengjiao still had her two sons in her heart. With the passage of time, the two brothers Su Tianle and Su Tianxi never showed up, and Wu Fengjiao's originally fiery heart was already cold.

Seeing Su Tianle's courtesy now, Wu Fengjiao was not only unhappy, but also vigilant.

"Mom, I used to be bad, don't be angry." Su Tianle failed to take the burden of Wu Fengjiao, so he had to follow Wu Fengjiao and confess his mistake in a low voice.

No way, Su Tianle came with a purpose today. Without bowing his head, Su Tianle was afraid that Zhou Aiqin could not be saved.

"I'm not angry, no matter how bad my son is, it's my mother who didn't teach well. What is my anger?" Wu Fengjiao smiled bitterly and said.

"Mom, don't say that. Before you wanted to leave home, neither Tianxi nor I could stop you, and we can only rely on your temper. But we are always a family! Mom, even if you move to the Lin family Now, you are also my mother and Tianxi!" Su Tianle said sincerely.

"Just remember that I am your mother." The ice on Wu Fengjiao's face was slightly thawed.

Yup! The child born in October was conceived and spent a lot of energy pulling the older child. How could Wu Fengjiao say to give up and give up?

Wu Fengjiao had been carrying it before, but she felt that her two sons had been indifferent to her during this period of time, and her temper was too cool. Su Tianle's kind words made Wu Fengjiao's stiff heart soften by half.

"That must not be forgotten, Mom, Dad went early, and Tianxi and I were both your hands-on hands. I will never forget how good my mother was to me." Su Tianle's good words followed by Wu Fengjiao's face At last there was a smile on him.

"How can parents be wrong to their children? Mom will be happy if you have this heart." Wu Fengjiao said.

"Mom, I...I want to borrow some money, eighteen yuan, should you have it?" Seeing Wu Fengjiao's attitude eased, Su Tianle quickly said his intention.

Wu Fengjiao said in her heart, her face changed.

"No." Wu Fengjiao said sullenly, speeding up his feet a few steps.

Wu Fengjiao's heart was full of disappointment. She thought that the eldest son really missed her, and came to welcome her at the entrance of the village. In this way, the eldest son, like his granddaughter Su Xiaoxia, came for the money in her pocket?

"Mom, please help me! Aegean was arrested by the police station and will be fined. If you don't pay the money tomorrow, Aegean will be fined to go to a public place to dig a dung pit." Su Tianle was anxious.

Didn’t the younger brother say that Mom made money selling jelly in the town these days? I've already made a low voice to pay my mom, why is my mom refusing to take the money?

Yes, Su Tianle borrowed money from Wu Fengjiao to "save" Zhou Aiqin.

Wu Fengjiao and Lin Susu were still on the way. People from the police station called Wu Youcheng and asked Wu Youcheng to notify Su Tianle and Hu Wangcai to bring the money to the police station to pay the fine.

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