My one and only(2)

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Their Children:
Jeon Liyah
12 May 2015

Jeon Leo
3 October 2020
Jungkook's POV
Here I am with my beautiful wife,my baby princess and my baby boy and I can tell you we are an amazing family.


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God damn I love her.
Lisa arrived after 30 minutes.
"Hey kookie"
"Hi baby"
She pecked my lips
"Mommy did you bring my candy?"Liyah came rushing to Lisa
"Yes I did my princess."Lisa smiled"Is Leo still asleep?"
"Yes.Daddy put him to sleep!"
She looked at my smiling and I ran my fingers through my hair .
"Liyah baby go to your room mommy and daddy have to set the kitchen"
"Okie Mommy!"
Lisa's POV
"Hey doll?"
I hummed in response while putting the bread and jam in the pantry.
"You know....I really wanted to say that I think we should spend some alone time.Like away from the kids.I love them i really do but i think you need a break.
"But baby!Leo is still not old enough he is still 8 months old.We cant leave him like that."
I said while caressing his hair.
"True but we can leave home with jisoo noona after all Jin hyung's daughter and Liyah are really good friends so it would be-"
"No I cant leave them with jisoo unnie she has her own children and I dont want a burden oh both unnie and oppa"
He sighed
"Baby I know you care but look they are our responsibility after all Leo only calms down when we are around and he is just a baby.Think about it Jungkook."
"You have a point.As you wish my love"
He said while kissing my forehead.
I smiled.
I heard a cry from Leo
"Oh he's awake!" I said while running towards the room.
Jungkook's POV
Lisa held him in her arms.I cant help but smile the way she's taking care of him.Shes so hardworking.
"Hey hunny?" She called me with worrying expressions.
"What happened?"I got worried and went to her.
"I think he has temperature.Look he is warm."
He was warm.
"Wait here lisa."
I called Tae hyung
"Hello?Hyung uh Leo has a temperature and we need to got to the hospital.Can you come and Jennie come here and take care of Liyah?"
"Yea sure we will be there right away."
I told lisa that they are coming.They arrived after 10 minutes.
"Thank you so much unnie and oppa."
"No probs lisa"Jennie said
Lisa and jungkook came after an hour
Liyah was asleep and so was Azzra (Jennie and Tae's daughter)
They went home and lisa put Leo to sleep.
In their room
"Jungkook ?I love you goodnight"
"Goodnight love"
Part 3 in the making ;)

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