[23] Kicks and Goodbye.

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author's note: major character's death ;-;


"NO Y/N!" I heard Lia screamed.


I opened my eyes to a figure falling in front of me. I caught the figure and...

"Junri!" I yelled as I held her and slowly lower her down.

"No! no!" I mumbled as put pressure on her wound trying to stop the bleeding.

"It's all your fault!" Mr. Yeo yelled in rage as he raises his gun once again.


I then saw Lia retracting her kick and Mr. Yeo's arm upwards with the gun freshly fired. 

"Did you just?" Mr. Yeo mouthed looking amazed at Lia then if things aren't surprising enough. Lia delivered a perfect kick to Mr. Yeo's stomach making him fall to the ground. 

Mr. Yeo then stood up and tried to grab Lia which she responded by screaming, "Y/N!" Then I saw Katie run towards me and took my place putting pressure on Junri's wound.

"I've had it with you stupid idio-" I cut him off by a punch to the jaw, I then took him down by grabbing his legs and slamming him to the ground. I delivered a couple of punches to his face till his face bleeds, I saw nothing but darkness as I continued hitting his face until I felt a hand on my shoulder.

"That's enough." Lia softly said and my hands stopped moving. She slowly pulls me away and straight into her embrace.

"Are you okay?" I asked her and she started sobbing.

"Yeah." She whispered softly.

"I thought you're gonna d.. di-." 

"Ssshh, I'm okay. Are you hurt?" I interrupt her pulling out of the hug to see if she has any injuries.

"I'm fine." She said softly and I pulled her to another hug.

"Y-you saved me." I said softly as I tightened the embrace.

"Y/N!" Katie yelled cutting me and Lia's moment, then it hit me and we both ran to Katie who's holding Junri. I took the place of Katie holding Junri in my arms as I put pressure on her wounds.

"W-why would you d-do that?" I asked her and she smiled at me.

*cough* "Consider it as my apology for what I did." She answer.

"Did you do all of this?!" Katie angrily asked.

"N-no. It took me a while to piece it all together  b-but all of this is because of my dad." She answered.

"W-what? Then why am I involved? Why is he so angry at me?" I asked her.

"I don't know if you remember but 3 years ago. When you met my mother, that phone call was my dad. Asking *cough* asking me to take over his business. I-I said no because... because of you." Junri said as she placed her hand on my cheek and smiled.

"I know the dangers of taking over his business that's why mom and I moved since dad was afraid we'd get involved in his business, so when he offered the position to me, I already know that b... because I love you it wont be that easy. He got mad and said that he'll harm you. That's why... I reluctantly agree and we needed to *cough* move back to korea." She said.

"B-but your letter." I replied.

"It was for you to not do anything stupid and keep in contact with me. I couldn't afford to get you involved that's why I d-decided to b-break things up but the job got the best of me and I started to get infos about you. Where you were, what were you up to. My dad discovered and kicked me off. I planned to take you back since I wasn't part of the business anymore and that's why I applied for the job as your translator thinking that somehow you'll take me back." She said as tears starting to fall down her face.

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