4; The Mishap

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C H A P T E R 4

The Mishap

They said they found her body inside the bathroom, already cold and stained with dry blood that came from the nose and mouth.

Taehyung hadn't registered anything ever since he was ushered to go home from school upon receiving the shocking news. Even when he was seated next to Hyungsik who was also very pale in a car Mr Park had sent to pick up.

It was so soon, so fathomless, Taehyung was not ready.

But, would he have ever been ready?

When they arrived, Tae could hear the sound of a heart-breaking cry from his parents' bedroom. His mom was lying still on the bed, looking so beautifully ethereal in a white gown. She didn't even react when her husband was crying hysterically while holding her sickly pale hands tightly. None of their cries could wake her up.

Taehyung's body was filled with consternation that he fell on his knees, tears obscuring his sight. He felt like disembowelling his stomach, the whole room felt nauseating and cold. The flowery scent of his mother's perfume felt pungent and repugnant. There was an inexplicably surge of agitation and great sadness that drown Tae's mind that there was nothing he could do but concede. He felt like his heart had been ripped apart from his useless body, and it hurt. it hurt so bad he couldn't breathe.

He let out a loud shuddering sob, body crumpling into a ball on the floor. No way, this could not happen. Not now. Not ever. She had been healthy yesterday. She had been joyful going to work this morning. She had been happy making their breakfast a few hours ago. So why now? Why, when everything had gone so perfect with their life? When they finally felt happy and complete? It was just not fair. He was not asking for a temporary happiness.

Taehyung cried. He cried his sadness, his lose, his anger, his despair, and he cried for help. Help to turn back the time, to bring back his happiness, to stop his crying, to get him out of this misery. But nothing seemed to work. Nothing seemed to happen except the crushing reality that his mother was no longer with him in this world.

He should have noticed the signs, he should have been more aware, he should have cared more. His mother was battling with a deathly sickness and he had been ignorant. How bad of a child he was? He should have worked harder and harder and harder to pay for his mother's treatment and prevent his mother from overworking. He should have known. He should have fucking known.

There really was nothing he could do but take in his mother's beautiful face and the memories they made together as much as he could for he to remember. Her selfless and stubborn mind, her big heart and kindness, her patience, and dreams, she was the most precious person in Taehyung's life, and she would forever be engraved inside his heart.

Taehyung wished that he had found the way and the reasons that would make her stay. But he would have to learn to lead a life apart from all the rest now. And if he couldn't have the one he wanted, he would do his best.

He already missed her, yet he would go a million times around the world just to say she had been his for a while.


It had been two days and Myunghwan still hadn't come out of his room. The house was in great misery. Seojoon had asked his father to come out and eat but no replies were said. Taehyung had put small dishes in front of the door, but his step father only touched them one times a day and still left a huge portion uneaten.

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