So turns out Avani thought it was a prank again but she noticed it wasn't so now everyone forgives her update Abby is grounded again Addison is too Italy enjoyed her first day with the boys so she pretty lonely but since Charli forgave Avani it's only for two days but Italy called Y/n to come over and she came in 5 minutes
Italy was currently doing makeup for the first time but natural eyeliner lipgloss with a peach tint consealer mascara
Italy:all done
She said in relief her outfit was a hoodie and some jeans
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She zipped up the hoodie a bit before walking downstairs once she reached the last step she saw Jimin watching TV in the living room she heard her name being called
Y/n:Italy ?
She notices Y/n standing there with a smile on her face the younger one jumped in her arms giving her the biggest hug ever
Y/n:I'm here to sleepover sis
Italy:girl it's morning but I'm still happy your here with me
Y/n:let's go live or something
Italy:let's chill on the trampoline it's bigger than mines
Y/n:technically it's yours too you live here
Italy:where are you staying at?
Y/n:so I just found out my father is alive 3 weeks ago so currently I'm staying at his house that's next door here
Italy:sleepovers are gonna hit different 😌
Y/n:yup but girl I'm hungry
Italy points at the kitchen the older one walks to the kitchen with Italy following her Jin was drinking his coffee when he heard the two girls talking he looked up
Jin:well hello girls
Y/n:what's up?
Y/n:bestie remember those Nutella toasts in middle school
Y/n:wanna do this again ya know for memories
Italy:you know it get the bread while I'll get the Nutella and strawberries okay?
She nods as she opens the cabinets she searched the first shelf and it was sitting right in front of her face she grabbed it Italy opened the jar and strawberries