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Ok this is it we are at the end and this is rushed but eh anyway let's go

Yahaba pov (what and interesting way to start off)

God what has happened. Now that kindaichi and kunimi are kids it's fucking HELL

kindaichi cries for hours and random times, kunimis a grabber AND a bitter! And Kageyama now in a toddler form hides EVERYWHERE

Between trying to calm down kindaichi, trying to pry kunimi off of us and trying to find out where Kageyama has wondered off to now, I think we are all about to die!

We have to leave in five minutes for training camp and I don't think any of us will make it in the bus with these three devils for 5-8 hours, to help keep track of them and also just cause its cute i brought some penguin onesies i saw at the store. hopefully its not to much trouble getting them into them.

"hey guys, i brought something for the kids" i yell out grabbing the attention of everyone in the gym. 

"huh-" oikawa says waking up from his nap of the bench

"look their some onesies i thought it would look cute and they come with an attached baby leash" i say holding up the leash and the onesies to show everyone. 

"thank god otherwise we'll lose em for sure at training camp, especially tobio" iwaizumi sighs out pushing himself off oikawas chest to grab the kids. oikawa lets out a whine of protest but gets up to help never the less.

switching povs to third person

  the team scrambles to get the babaies together in the clothes, makki, mattsun and yahaba get kindaichi whilst watari and kyotani get kunimi since kyotani is the only one who can really handle the pain of kunimis bites and iwaizumi and oikawa get kageyama all dressed up. 

it takes a little time but eventually it all works out and the three kids are in the outfits looking adorable but not the happiest in the new clothes

Needless to say they look adorable and everyone is scrambling to take pictures of the three

Their photoshoot is interrupted tho by their coach telling them it's time to go, so they quickly grab their bags and head to the bus the three babies in tow

On the bus

Watari seems to be handling Kageyama ok playing with him and doing some story telling, but the rest of seijoh are attempting to get kunimi to stop crying.

He had dropped his toy and refused to take it back but whined instead, they were all getting headaches until oikawa decided to just pick up the toy wipe it off and hand it to him.

He stopped crying.

Little bastard, and they call Kageyama a king.

Time skip

Three hours in and they're pretty good actually, Kageyama is playing car games and talking with oikawa and iwaizumi, kunimi has latched on to Kyotani and fallen asleep in his lap biting his arm. And kindaichi is playing games on matsukawas phone.

So far it's quiet and that's exactly what everyone needed, especially yahaba who had to take care of kindaichi and kunimi all night and is in dire need of sleep.

Other than that the bus ride is as you'd expect with three toddlers. Loud, annoying and claustrophobic.

When they arrive

Oikawa and iwaizimi carry in three sleeping children into the gym full of toddlers running around and attacking akaashi and bokuto.

Oikawa drops kunimi and kindaichi from under his arms while iwaizumi sets down a sleeping Kageyama who is currently refusing to let go of his neck.

Baby First YearsWhere stories live. Discover now