The Boy In The Woods

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You can feel the cold, moist air blow harshly against the small amount of skin that your clothing does not cover. Here, in this place, it isn't warm, despite the fact that it is June. In this realm the weather is cruel year round and the air is thick, as though it is humid but without heat. This was still Earth in a sense, yes, but it wasn't in the world of the living, no, this was Purgatory.

It's quite like Earth, but not like it at all. The sun was always hidden behind clouds and no matter how many people were actually there, you couldn't see, feel, touch, taste, smell, hear, or speak to anyone. You were alone.

It wasn't that you committed a terrible sin, that wasn't the meaning of what purgatory actually is. This is a place for those who have been too good for hell but too bad for heaven.

You don't like here, nor do you dislike it. To you is just an uncomforable place, somewhere you don't particularly enjoy being in but it isn't truly that bad.

You can see animals but they aren't like the ones on Earth. They appear to be rotting alive. They can see you but are normally disturbed by your presense. These animals are real, they just look... different.

You have no memory, but you have knowledge of what some of the objects and animals here are supposed to look like and as for the ones you don't, you can make an assumption according to what you've already seen and know. Some things are familiar and others are not, you believe that those that are familiar you have been to before you were here.

Currently, you are in the woods. This forest seems to ring a bell. You continue walking and look in front of you. A boy with white hair is standing there; well everything about him is white. The kid is short and scrawny, has pale skin, white eyelashes and brows, and white eyes. He is a blind albino child. You get closer, to check if he is just another hallucination. It wouldn't be the first.

The boy appears to be real, but your hand still goes through him whenever you try to touch him, but he is there. The boy is sniffing the air and before long he gets up and begins running. He is the first human you've seen since you don't know how long, so you quickly follow.

He stops and sniffs again. In front of him is a deer (a buck to be exact). It had large horns and was big, it probably had a lot of meat, not that you could see, to you it looked like a zombie of sorts. The animal gets close to the child and he smiles, holding out a hand for the creature to smell. It does, and then licks his hand.

You were about to turn around when...


You look back as fast as you can. The animal is on the ground, it's head flopping to the side. It's neck was contorted in an unreal way. The pale boy giggled and grabbed one of the buck's horns, pulling it away.

Your mouth hung open in surprise at his strength. You couldn't believe it. Then again, here, in this place, you have seen lots of strange things, so, then again, perhaps it wasn't something to be surprised about.

Maybe it was something you just had to adjust to.

The normal.

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