Proposal pt.3

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🥀Agnst🥀 TW: Gore blood (you don't see it you just read it.)

Two days later...

Rin pov
"GET UP!! WAKE UP ASSHOLE!! YOU PROMISED ME! GET UP!" Im sitting to Miku's lifeless body...why...WHY DID SHE DO IT?

30 minutes ago

Rin pov
Me and Miku where walking on the side walk with our hands intertwined. "Hey, Rin. Wanna go to the store to get snacks?" "Oh well I ran out of mine so, sure!" We started walking twords the store to get the snacks. As we got to the store I told Miku I had to use the bathroom so, I started walking to the restroom.

Miku pov
I was going to go in the store when I saw a car going twords Rin at full speed. I ran twords her and then-

No pov
SCREEEEEET!!!! The car made a loud sound as it hit Miku. She ran up to Rin and pushed her out of the way but, at the cost of her own life.

Rin pov
I got shoved and then I heard a loud sound. I turned my head and I got doused in something wet.....this is...blood....I look over and...."MIKU!!" I feel tears streaming down my face as I run over to her still dripping with my lovers blood. "MIKU WHY? WHY GOD DAMNIT! DONT LEAVE ME!! I STILL NEED YOU!!"

Current time.

Rin pov
I pull out my phone to call Len and Kaito. RING...RING...RI- "Hello? This is Len kagamine of th-" I cut him off. "LEN! MIKU SHE- CAR HIT- BLOOD. ALL OVER ME." I said as crying. "Hey hey hey. What happened to Miku?" "SHE GOT HIT! A- AND ITS MY FAULT!" "SHE GOT HIT? WHERE ARE YOU?" I can here other vocaloids and UTAUs in the background talking. "********** ROAD! PLEASE HURRY LEN IM COVERED IN HER BLOOD AND SHES GOING TO DIE SOON!!" "Don't worry Rin." Deet* he hung up. He's on his way...I started to dial 119. "Hello this is th-" I cut the man off. "HELP! HELP ME! SHES GOING TO DIE!!" " Ma'am who is going to die?" "I DONT HAVE TIME FOR SHITTY QUESTIONS! IM AT ********* ROAD SEND AN AMBULANCE!" "Alright miss. I need you to calm down there's an ambulance on the way. Now what's the problem?" I took a couple breaths before talking to the man. "My Fiance. She got hit by a car." "Ok what happened?" "I was...walking and...." Rin looked down to see why she was all wet and, she was completely covered in blood head to toe. "Ma'am? Are you ok-" "AAAAHHHHHH! NO NO NO NO!! WHY IS THERE SO MUCH? WHY?" "Ma'am are you ok?" "BLOOD!!  SO MUCH BLOOD." "Ma'am. I need you to calm down. An ambulance will be there in two minutes." "She- she can't be alive.....not after loosing this much blood....." The man is still trying to talk to me but I'm not listening. I leaned down and hugged Miku's body. "Stay with me~ I'll cry at your door at midnight, but you'll never come back....stay sniff* with me-" I broke down crying. I feel like the world is ending. I snapped. Every thing went black.

Len pov
We're here! ........Miku..."RIN!" I ran up to her. "Oh my gosh...." I saw it right there. what it means to loose someone you truly love. Rin looked completely dead inside. Her eyes look black. Like if she was in her own world. "Ma'am, hello are you ok?" Her phone. She must have called the police. I picked up the phone. "Hello? This is her brother." "Oh. Is she ok?" "How?" I asked this because mentally, she was gone. Phisically she's fine. "Uhm... phisically?" "She's fine." "What about mentally?" "I think she's gone...." I could feel tears forming in my eyes. "The ambulance is almost there." "Thank you, sir." "No problem." I heard sirens in the distence. "That must be the ambulance." I have to tell Rin th- "RIN!" I ran up to her. She must have been overwhelmed and passed out.

Two hours later

Rin pov
Ugh....why does my head hurt? I looked around to see a hospital room...why am i- the memory's came flooding back. I instantly shot up. "MIKU!" "Rin! Your awake!" Len? Oh yeah he was there. Wait...I remember all the blood......"she's dead isn't she." I said looking down. "Well.....she's not dead....but...she probably won't live. I'm sorry Rin." I knew it...I'm going to lose her. "DAMN IT! WHY AM I SUCH A FAILURE?!" "Rin your not-" "YES I AM! CANT EVEN PRETECT MY FIANCE! What's...what's wrong with me?" "Rin get a hold of yourself! She saved you! Be grateful God damnit! Because of her you get to live for her." Just then the doctor came in. "She....she's alive!" Just then I felt all the life I felt I had lost come rushing back. Tears of joy where rushing down my face. "S-shes baby! SHES OKAY!!!" I jumped off the bed and hugged Len. "Can we see her?" "Yes you can." The doctor then  took us to Miku's room. "Oh my god..." She has so much equipment. "Baby..." I don't know how to react. "Oh. Visiting hours are over. Only the girl can stay because that's the fiance." The doctor Said. "Bye Len." "Bye Rin." He gave me a hug then left. "You can stay in here or you can go in a room but if your in here you need to stay in a chair. "I'll stay here." "Ok. Well I have to go." "Hey, Doctor. Thank you." I said that as I looked at him with tears in my eyes. "No problem." And with that he left. I walked over to Miku grabbed a chair and sat next to her. I grabbed her hand and sat down. "Stay with me~ I cry at your door at midnight, but you never come back. And seasons go by. Stay with me~" oh..I'm crying. This is the song Miku used to sing to me. "Stay with me please, Miku." With those words I fell asleep.

Yay! Done! I am planning on making another part but not for a little bit. 1051 words.

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