Chapter 4

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If there's some sort of smut scene or something I'll put NSFW in front of it if you'd like to skip it. When it's done I'll put SFW.

She walks out of the room and I lie back. I'm starting to get homesick. Who does she actually think she is? First kidnap me and then spell the lesson. I'm going home.

I get up, grab my clothes and put them on. Then I knock on the door and notice that it is not closed properly. This is my chance. I open the door gently a crack and look outside. The hallway is empty. I tiptoe outside and look around again. Yesterday we went to the right as we went out of the room to the courtyard.

I go to the right and keep walking until I reach it. Amazingly, I didn't meet anyone. I peek outside and there are men guarding the gate. So it doesn't go past here. I want to turn around and go back but hear a breathing behind me.

"What did I say?" I hear an all-too-familiar voice say. I turn slowly and look at River with a flaming look. "I don't care, I'm going home." "And how do you think you're going to do that?" "I'll make that up." I say viciously.

She grabs me roughly by the upper arm and drags me back to my room. I struggle vigorously, but to no avail. She pulls me into the room, shuts and locks the door, and pins me against the wall. I look at her with the deadliest look I have. She just stares back.

After a while I roughly push her away but she grabs my wrists and pushes them above my head against the wall so that I can't go anywhere. I struggle for a while but soon give up. She looks at me with a small smile and I stick out my tongue. She bends towards me. "You're mine baby girl." She whispers in my ear.

It gives me shivers but I don't show it. "I don't belong to anyone." I whisper back."Do you really think so?" "Very sure." "Yes, I believe you." She says sarcastically. I roll my eyes. "What was that?" I roll my eyes again and look at her defiantly. "I'll prove to you that you're mine." She says.


She presses her lips to where my neck meets my shoulder. I bite my lip gently but she doesn't notice. At first she kisses gently but soon she sucks and bites gently. She goes up my neck so slowly leaving little spots. Automatically I bend my head to the left to give her space. I hear her chuckle and come back to reality. In the meantime she has come through my cheek to my mouth where she hangs dangerously close in front of it.

I look into her deep blue eyes and she stares back. She comes closer but I turn my head away. She grabs my chin with her hand and turns it back towards her. With her other hand she now holds my two hands firmly. She comes closer and softly runs her lips over mine.

I want to get closer to her on an impulse, but she pulls away and chuckles, "Na-ah babygirl." I pull my head back and she comes closer again. This time she presses her lips to mine. I feel jitters going through my whole body and enjoy it.

She taps her tongue gently against my lip and I open my mouth. Her tongue slides in and finds mine. She tenderly strokes my tongue and we play a game of dominance that she obviously wins. She interrupts our kiss and I look at her disappointed.


"See you're mine." She whispers in my ear again. She removes her hands from my wrists and face, leaving me confused.

Sorry voor het lange w8en en voor het korte hoofdstuk. Khad het nogal druk.😅 Kga proberen meer te uploaden.

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