Chapter 6

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I wake up and immediately feel she is gone. I open my eyes with a sigh and get up out of bed. I put my clothes on and look at the camera in the corner of my room. Why didn't I see that earlier?

A knock on the door pulls me out of my thoughts. River comes in, "Today you come with me to my office otherwise you'll be alone all day." I open my mouth about to speak but the sight of her makes yesterday evening come back.

My face immediately turns red and I close my mouth. She chuckles "Tomato." "I'm not a tomato." She raises and eyebrow "Mhm yeah right." I roll my eyes and look at her. "Watch it today will you?" "Maybe." "Alright now come on we're going and no jokes okay? Or you'll regret it." "Finee." Does she really think I'm going to be good?

We step in the black car again and start driving to wherever her office is. We step out of the car and I see a big building with atleast 30 floors and 4 guards in front of the doors. "Well you see the building is guarded so running away won't be an option." River wispers in my ear.

We walk right into a beautiful hall with a desk in the middle. The woman at the desk smiles at me and hands River a paper, "C'è un incontro oggi alle 11, queste sono le informazioni di cui avrete bisogno." (There is a meeting today at 11, this is the information u will need.) She points at the paper. "Va bene grazie Laura." (Alright thx Laura.)

"Soo what did she say?" I ask. "She said I have a meeting at 11 o'clock and the info is on the paper." "Oh okay and what will I do while you are in the meeting?" "You just go with me." "Okay." In meanwhile we have come to an office on I think it's the 27th floor. "This is my office, make yourself at home." "Well normally I would go on my phone." I look at her with a questionable look.

She walks over to a drawer and takes out a tablet. "You can watch YouTube or Netflix with this as much as u want." "Okay then." I log in on Netflix and choose to watch Bridgerton. After 45 minutes she calls my name. "The meeting is going to start." "Okay good luck." "Oh no you are coming with me remember." "Why? It's so boring." "Because I say so." I roll my eyes again: "Finee."

I want to get up from the couch but River is suddenly in front of me. She lifts my chin up with her finger "Rolling ur eyes?" I swallow and open my mouth but nothing comes out. Noo back to reality Lana. I roll my eyes again, push her aside a little, stand up and start walking to the door. River grabs a handfull of my hair and pulls me back. She forces me to look into her eyes  "You'll regret that Gattina."

She eases her grip on my hair and walks over to the door. "What does Gattina mean?" I ask. "Find out yourself Kitten." I sigh and follow her. She takes my wrist and leads me to the meeting room.

The meeting room is big but totally white with in the middle a huge oval table with red chairs around. Almost all chairs are already taken only a few left. River takes place at the head of the table and points to the chair on the right side from her while looking at me.

I take a seat and let my eyes wander around the table. I see a pretty young man looking at me. I look him in the eyes not planning to look away first. His eyes shot somewhere left from me. He then nods and starts talking to some other guy next to him.

I look at River and find her already looking at me. "What was that all about?" She says. "Nothing he was looking and I just looked back." I say. "Mhmmm." Meanwhile the empty seats were filled and River starts the meeting. Apparently the men work for her and they have to inform her about stuff I don't understand.

Pff we are only at the second off all men who have to rapport. This is going to take so long. I'm bored already. I sigh and start cracking my fingers on the surface off the table. River taps her foot against mine and I look at her. She shakes her head but I keep cracking my fingers while I look into her eyes.

It went all silent in the room and I look away from River to see all the men stare at us. I feel my face heat and look down at my thighs. River chuckles next to me. "Go on I'm listening." She says to the men.

When the meeting is over I want to stand up but River stops me. "No stay in the chair." I sit back down and wait. When the men have left she turns my chair to hers and leans with her elbows on her knees.

"That was not what I asked Gattina." "Thats not my problem." I answer. "Oh I will make it your problem." She comes closer and whispers in my ear: "Ur so screwed mia Gattina." She stands up and walks to the door, I go after her: "What in gods sake does Gattina mean?"

"Find out yourself Kitten." "Wait a second, u never say Kitten and now you are saying it suspiciously much, does Gattina mean Kitten." "Maybe." "Oh come on" I say irritated "just tell me." "No Kitten it's to much fun seeing u struggle."

"Why is it fun." "It just is Kitten." "It means Kitten doesn't it? You say it to much." She chuckles "Yes it is Kitten Babygirl." "You see? I was right, don't play with me." She stops and I turn around to her.

She grabs my hair again and whispers in my ear. "Oh I will play with you don't worry." She starts walking again. Omfg she didn't just say that. My brain exploded. I breath deep in and out and start walking again.

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