Chapter Two

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I ran as fast as i can. At the same time trying to forget what happen and zipping up my pants. My emotions, my trust, everything i saw is now turing around.
I find a way to get out of the woods. I fall down on to my knees. Remembering what has just happen. The way he touched me. The way he grabbed me. I will never forget and  hide it forever.
  My eyes start to get watery, "how can i keep crying, when i barley stopped. Will my eyes ever run out of tears." My tears were to cold yet to burn my skin. But i kept going and stood up knowing that i shouldn't give up. I walk slowly trying to control these emotions. Trying to get these  voices out of my mind. I was almost home.
I ended up getting there 10 minutes late, but didn't see anyone home, as usual. I rush to my room, trying to get clothes that hid my marks. Once i found them i wanted to change quick but i couldnt these marks that he left me hurt. They hurt, seeing them makes me want to keep crying but i don't. My eyes are finally tired of crying and i don't want to either.
  I stand there looking at myself through the mirror. My black short hair was all messed up. My tighs were hurt. My arms were hurting like hell. Yet i could still carry my backpack all through the way. I turned around and quickly changed.
  I didn't want to make food or wait for my parents to come home to make me some. They won't be here early either. I sat down on my bed, turned on the t.v. I scrolled  down, until i found my favorite show. "Attack on titans." {A.O.T}
The way Eren (one of the characters in A.O.T) didn't know how to control himself but stayed strong is how i want to be. Even though he's weak he keeps trying. The way mikasa (another character) didn't care much about everyone except for eren, is the way i wanted someone to feel for me.
  It was almost over and i started to get sleepy.
[As she falls asleep she starts to dream]
I could see everyone around me smiling, happy, having the time of thier life. But where am i, i mean im here but where am i, in my dream? I figure that i must be a ghost, well i asume. I walk around trying to find myself. I didn't see myself, I saw someone drowning in the ocean. I went to see. I saw them. Suddenly i felt like i was drowning. I blinked. I was drowning. Water all around me, Terrified. I tried to swim upwards but i couldn't. There was something or someone pulling me down. I look back. There was a dark face with white eyes mixed with red pupils. He was smiling. Saying "im staying with you forever." He pulled me towards him and pushed my stomach. I let out all my air. I couldn't take it. I was drowning and no one knew i was. I sank and sank.
  I open my eyes thinking that i was actually awake. I was on my bed and sat up. My head was hurting. I went outside. No one was around. I screamed "MOM DAD MOM DAD.....MOMMY.....DADDY...HElp meee...." no one heard what i just said my eyes start to get red like never before. Tear after tear. I was all alone in this cruel world. No one was there to save me. I walked and walked until i hit the cemetery. I see the name. I was in shock...
Julie Rez
Was i the one dead? not them? But how am i here?

A shock of bright white light came through my eyes with loud sounds. Beep beep. I realized it was all a dream and i never actually woke up. I was terrified not only from it but the realization that it might happen....

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