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All the avengers pull out a weapon and point it at the newcomers. Carol raised her hand ready to throw a photon blast but Tony didn't have his suit so he just got up. From the pile of three bodies, a familiar voice to Tony and Rhodey spoke "where are we?" The man asked his friends "How would I know?" Another familiar male voice asked "Howard I swear if you don't get your butt off me I will make sure you can never have children" another alarmingly familiar female voice threatened a man named Howard. Both Tony and Steve lower their stance and weapon. "Peggy?" Steve asked with hope and confusion. The woman and the two men straightened at hearing they were not alone "who asks?" Peggy yelled but then stopped talking when she turned around "Steve?" She and Howard asked at the same time in disbelief "what? Who? Am I dreaming?" She asked flabbergasted as Howard stayed silent thinking of possible things that could have happened "No Peggy you're not dreaming" Steve smiled and Peggy ran up to him and they both shared a big hug. "Your late," she remarked smirking when they pulled apart "well I got lost on the way there" he excused and she chuckled "okay this is sweet but how the hell are we here. One second we're in my lab, and the next "puff" we're here and now we find out that you aren't dead" Howard yelled in confusion but Steve just smiled "it's good to see you too Howard" Steve chuckled coming to give him a nice hug. "Wait, How are you alive Steve? where are we? And who are those people?" Peggy asked "well the super-soldier serum is what saved me, you are at the Avengers compound and the people

behind me are the avengers, we're sorta like the earth's mightiest heroes" he explained "okay so I think it's safe to say it's not the 1940's anymore?" She asked and got a nod in return "Okay I have no idea what just happened so let me ask, who hell are you?" Rocket asked asking the question that Carol also had. "Oh my lord, did that raccoon just talk?" Howard asked alarmed 'yep', 'Yeah's were heard all around the room.

Peggy walked up to them "Agent Peggy Carter nice to meet you" she called and Rocket now nodded "it's an honor to meet you, Agent Carter, I am Natasha Romanoff and this is" Nat started to introduce Clint but he spoke up "Clint Barton, I am a big fan I have heard a lot about you" he introduced "Doctor Bruce Banner pleasure ma'am" Bruce spoke nodding in respect "Carol Danvers ma'am it's nice to meet you" Carol nodded even though she had just met the agent "and I am Rocket a space experiment, not a raccoon" he corrected with snark, "Thor Odinson god of thunder". "I'm not even gonna ask what that means," Peggy remarked. She greeted Scott Lang and his now older daughter Cassie. When she moved on to Tony he was just staring at her "Aunt Peggy?" He whispered in confusion still not believing "I'm sorry I don't think we've met, who are you?" Peggy chuckled confused at why someone was calling her 'Aunt'. Tony shook his head as if coming out of a trance "Um no sorry just got you.. Tony Stark, it's nice to meet you" he introduced "nice to meet you.. wait, What!?" She and Howard both yelled, Howard, being the loudest now having realized what he had said. "You said Stark, he said Stark right?" Howard asked everyone in the room who then nodded, "surprise I'm your son" Tony grumbled, now Howard was really speechless. "Howard I never took you as a father" Jarvis states and the man doesn't comment. 

Tony laughed walking up to Jarvis "Jarvis oh my god, it is so good to see you" he laughed while hugging his only father figure who took care of him his whole life. "Umm" Jarvis looked uncomfortable, Tony now realized the weirdness of the situation and let go awkwardly "umm sorry I have heard umm a lot about you" Tony excused "no need to tell me, I always love a good mystery" Jarvis laughed and Tony chuckled awkwardly.

"Okay well this has been fun but one why would Fury send these people from the past and tell us to meet here in this room?" Carol asked the million-dollar question. "We'll Miss Danvers, Fury actually has something that he wants you to see" a female voice is heard from the ceiling and everyone jumped "oh my god" was yelled by Tony and a lot of others "who are you? show your self" Natasha yelled "do not fret Miss Romanoff I am SARA I stand for strategic artificial replacement assistant I am Master Fury's AI" the British voice introduced, That brought a lot of different reactions, Howard was in aww at hearing a real AI and the advances of technology, while Natasha wasn't buying it and many others were confused "Fury doesn't know how to make an AI, who made you?" Tony scoffed "I was created by Leopold Fitz as a gift to his team, Maria and Fury" SARA answered which only created more confusion "who is he and why is the name so familiar to me?" Bruce asked himself "Leopold Fitz was an Agent of SHIELD and one of the youngest graduates from the academy of sci-ops along with his wife Jemma Simmons" SARA informed and now Bruce remembers "FITZ-SIMMONS!" He yelled in realization but just received confused looks "they are the brightest and youngest minds at the science academy in SHIELD I met them once when I was at the academy looking for help on a project Fury gave me I don't even remember what it was but I do remember them, they really were geniuses she's a biochemist and he is an engineer, they work really well together. The first time I heard about them I thought they were one person by the way, everyone talked about them 'the big mind SHIELD' I am very happy they got together I think everyone that knew them always knew it would happen eventually" Bruce informed thinking fondly about the couple. "Wow, Brucie it sounds like you really like them" Tony teased but he just laughed "it's hard not to if you ever meet them I'm gonna tell you I told you so" Bruce chuckled. "Yeah well they sound amazing I would love to work with them sometime, it's always good to meet another fellow engineer" Howard spoke, and for the first time in, well, ever Tony actually agreed with him. "They sound like a lot of fun but can we go back to the previous subject?" Carol asked then directed her attention to the ceiling "SARA can you tell me why Fury brought us here? And what he wants us to see?" She asked the AI the question many were asking "Master Fury want to show you some footage of a certain team that you would be interested to have as allies against Thanos" the AI answered as if that cleared everything up. "Okay well why wait any longer let's get this over with" Clint sighed sitting down along with everyone else. "Now I will pull up a video of the team's last mission, enjoy" SARA dimmed the lights as the screen turned on. 

-SO? what did you think?- This Chap was short but don't worry the next one will be longer ( it will probably take me a little more time- 

-Also heads up to people who have not seen all of season 7 or have not got to season 7 on agents of shield, this next chapter will show the avengers scenes from season 7-  (so go watch before reading if you don't like spoilers) 

please comment if you haven't seen it. I will see how many people haven't seen it to check if I should make it about S7 or do it from different seasons- but S7 is my favorite season so I will probably do it. 

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