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•wilbur's pov
there he is again.

for the past week the same boy has been sitting by the window in the coffee shop i pass everyday reading some book about a guy named percy i can't really see the cover so i'm not sure.

they're pretty i'll give them that.

maybe i'll ask for their number instead of glancing at them while getting coffee.


fuck it why not.

"hello i'm wilbur" i say once i get to his table "hello wilbur i'm reed" that's a pretty name it suits him "well uh i was wondering if i could get your number or something" god i'm awkward "sure, do you have your phone" he put his book down and now i can actually see the cover, percy jackson and the olympians, sounds cool. i hand him my phone, probably not the best idea to hand your phone to a stranger but hey what's the worst that can happen.

"here you go, text me whenever, it was nice meeting you wilbur" he hands me back my phone "likewise reed" i tip my imaginary hat which makes him laugh "wilbur soot" the barista calls "that's me, text you soon, enjoy your book" i say going to grab my coffee "text you soon, enjoy your drink" he says giving me a small smile as i leave.

can't believe i haven't asked for his number earlier, it went better than expected though. i pulled out my phone and change his name to "coffee boy<3"
a heart might be a little much so i change it to a smile for now

i drink the rest of my coffee on my way back to my flat, i might stream a you laugh you lose today even though chat is probably some of the most unfunny people i've ever seen.

•reed's pov
i go back to reading my book after wilbur leaves.

he seems like a nice person, quite funny too.

i hope i get to know him better.

"reed dear, who was that" alice, the shop owner asks "oh that was wilbur he's nice don't worry" alice watched me whenever my parents left, she's like a grandmother to me i'll always be thankful for her. "i'm not worrying just curious, you always keep to yourself i'm glad you talked to him, he seems sweet"
she takes a seat across from me "he is, do you want to go to the flower shop now" me and alice always stop by a little flower shop to pick some up for her shop or to just give away "yes just give me a second to gather my stuff" she heads to the back room and comes back with her bag "ok let's go" she smiled and links arms with me

once we get to the shop we look at some tulips and a few daisies "these ones look nice" she points at some orange tulips "alright so should we get these and a small bouquet of daises" i pick up the flowers "yes those will work just fine" we head to the counter "good morning, would this be all" the cashier says "yes this would be it. here alice let me pay this time" i hand him my money "have good day" he says as we leave "you too sir" alice waves

after me and alice set up flowers around her shop and give the rest away i go back home

when i walk through the door i'm greeted with my kitten hera "hello girl, are you hungry" i set my stuff down and put some food into her bowl when i see i got a text earlier

unknown number
hi it's wilbur from the coffee shop

coffee boy :)
hi wilbur sorry for the late
reply i just home

wil :)
no worries
i was wondering if you would like to get lunch sometime

coffee boy :)
that sounds nice

wil :)
would wednesday 15:00 work

coffee boy :)
wednesday works fine

wil :)
see you in two days coffee boy

coffee boy :)
see you in two days wil

(680words) if you're favorite streamer is wilbur then i feel like you're really shy and chill until someone really gets to know you and that's how reed is

coffee boy||wilbur sootWhere stories live. Discover now