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•reed's pov
today me and wilbur go out for lunch. i sent him a quick message

-wil :)-

hey wil


where are we meeting at

coffee shop?

sounds good i'll see you then;)

cant wait;)

"hera what should i wear" i looked over at my kitten that was laying on my bed "you're no help"  i found an outfit, took a few pictures, and posted on instagram



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reed.sharp-lunch date!!

box.of.rox-the fit🥵

user772-what if we went on a lunch date ;)
user42-down bad

load more

i threw on a pair of shoes, made sure hera had food and water, locked the door and started walking to the cofffee shop. on my way there i saw a few ducks. after the short 8 minute walk, i went inside the shop and sat at my usual spot.

•wilburs pov (50 minutes earlier)
"shit phil i don't know what to wear" me and philza minecraft were in a vc and i was currently panicking "they normally don't say yes, they normally say no or give me a fake number, they-" he interrupted me "calm down mate, it'll be fine. where are you guys going anyway" shit where are we going *ding*
perfect timing "hold on he texted me"

-coffee boy :)-

hey wil


where are we meeting at

coffee shop?

sounds good i'll see you then;)

cant wait;)

"well then where ya going" right, phil "uh we're going to the coffee shop we met at, i'm thinking about taking him out for a picnic" fuck i still need clothes "phil help" i rush over to my closet "ok um just wear jeans and a button up" philza minecraft and his great sense in style "ok is this good" i hold up my clothes "yes that's good now change and get stuff for the picnic" i run around my flat looking for a basket and put food in it "oh philza minecraft all mighty what would i do without you" he smiled "die" "alright phil, i got to go bye bye dad" he laughed "bye son" i hung up and finished getting ready and walked to the coffee shop that was about 15 minutes away.

•reed's pov
wilbur walked through the door about 5 minutes after i did. "hiya reed" he said once he got to my table "hi wilbur, you can sit down you know" i said "yes but no" he laughed "what" i asked "well i want to take you out for a picnic if that's ok" he showed me the basket in his hand "oh uh of course we can go on a picnic"

-small time skip-

wilbur took me to a small field with a pond next to it. he quickly set up the blanket and put the food on it.

"it's pretty out here" i say looking around "just like you" he winks "you're so cheesy" he laughed and picked up a guitar playing a small song (he is playing saline solution but not singing)

"hey wil, do you mind if i try it" i say moving a bit closer to him "sure" he handed me the guitar. i play the opening of the 'book of you and i' by alec benjamin. "i didn't know you could play," he says after i play a bit. "you're good" i smile putting his guitar down "thanks, you're not so bad yourself"

i stand up and start picking a few flowers "what are you doing" he asks "you'll see" after picking enough flowers, i sat back down "so what are you doing" wilbur asks again "i'm making flower crowns" he nods and plays his guitar again

a few minutes later i scoot closer to wilbur and place one of the crowns on his head "woah i'm so pretty now"he smiled and put the other one on my head "awe we're matching" he giggled "wil you're always pretty" he blushed a bit "oo here will you take a picture of me really quick" he handed me his phone, i took a few pictures and one quick one of myself "thank you"

it was nearing 18:00 and it started to rain, me and wilbur quickly put everything into the basket and rushed back to the cafe. by the time we got there we were drenched in water "we can go back to mine and watch a movie, it isn't to far from here" i suggested "yeah, that will be nice"

we rushed back to my flat and quickly got inside "i might have something you can change into, hold on" i say going to my room looking for some clothes "here you can change in that washroom" i said handing him a pair of shorts and an oversized tee since he's a bit taller than me.

while he went to the washroom i went back into my room, changed and went back to the living room. wil was sitting on the sofa looking around a bit, "so what movie do you want to watch" i ask sitting down next to him and opening disney plus "how 'bout hamilton" he suggested "sure" i clicked on the 2 hour and 40 minute movie.

•third person pov
after singing most the songs the two slowly drifted to sleep on the small sofa with reed laying beside wilbur and his arm slightly around his waist while wilburs legs hang off the armrest on the other side. the two young adults stayed that way till morning, the only change being wilburs grip getting slightly tighter.

(905word) i wrote half this chapter in vr. i feel so cool


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