he carries you to bed

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The feeling of you shifting around on his lap caused Jimin's eyes to slowly open.

He was surprised to find that you were both curled up on the sofa instead of upstairs in the comfort of your bed.

He rubbed the sleep from his eyes before he looked up at the clock and he was shocked to find that it was nearing three in the morning.

He stared down at his lap and his heart skipped a beat when saw you sleeping with your head on his thigh.

He couldn't help but crack a big smile as he reached down to brush his fingers through your hair.

You stirred from his touch, just barely opening your heavy eyes just to catch a glimpse of him.

"Hey, sleepyhead," he whispered, smiling down at you. "We fell asleep down here during the last movie."

You just let out a couple of soft sounds, which caused his heart to melt a little before you closed your eyes to drift back off to sleep again.

You couldn't have cared less where you were at, because you still had him to hold onto.

His arm was around you and he was warm.

To you, sleeping there on his lap was even better than sleeping in your bed.

But Jimin wasn't as comfortable as you and he didn't want to spend the night on the sofa.

He's got a busy morning ahead and he wanted to get a good night's rest in the comfort of your bed and your arms for the next few hours he had before he has to be out the door.

"Y/N?" He whispered and moved his hand to softly stroke your cheek. "Can you wake up for me? Just long enough to make it up to bed? Hm?" He hummed and kept the brush of his fingers on your soft skin soothing.

You didn't say a word.

You simply leaned into his touch and continued to sleep comfortably.

He couldn't possibly sleep as well as you were down here and there was no way he was going to sleep without you by his side.

He gently moved off the sofa and slowly put your head down on the cushion before he bent down to pick you up with a soft kiss on your forehead.

He carefully pulled you into his arms and gently tucked your head against his shoulder before he made his way to the stairs.

He turned off all the lights before he started to take each step on the staircase slow and careful, so he wouldn't risk missing a step and hurting you.

He could feel your warm breath against his skin and although you tried to hide it, he felt you smile against his neck and hold him a little tighter.

"I know you're awake. I feel your sweet smile." He chuckled, brushing his hand along your back as he reached the last step. "Go back to sleep, my love. We're almost to bed now."

You closed your eyes again, unaware that your eyelashes were tickling his skin and causing a big smile to tug at his lips.

You almost fell back asleep. But just before you could, you felt him stop walking and gently lay you down on the bed.

He reached for the blanket and draped it to your shoulders.

His eyes met yours and his happy but tired smile melted your heart.

"Did I wake you?" He asked before laying down next to you.

You moved into his arms and put your head on his chest, finding even more comfort in the steady beat of his heart in your ear as he put his arms around you.

"No." You answered quietly, smiling as he pecked your lips.

"Good. Go back to sleep, baby, and have sweet dreams." He said, kissing your head as he rubbed your back lovingly. "Sleep tight."

"I will. Because you're holding me." You mumbled, so close to falling asleep that you didn't see the sweet smile on his face or the look of love in his shiny eyes. "Goodnight, Jimin."

"Goodnight, baby."

As you fell asleep, he stared down at you and watched you breathe, admiring you with a happy feeling in his heart.

He refused to let his heavy, tired eyes close for a few minutes, just so he could admire you a little longer and feel himself fall even deeper in love with you.

But when he couldn't stay awake any longer, he put his head back on the pillow and hugged you a little tighter as he fell asleep, as happy as he could possibly be.

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