Opening draft
Wulf project
Teaser opening scene
Cole: "Hey"
Gustav: "Yeah"
Cole: "If you had a super power what would it be?"
Gustav: "What? Cole how old are you?"
Cole: "Just because were "grown" doesn't mean you can't have a little fun."
Gustav: "Maybe, but right now it's our job to look out for Sentries, not distracting ourselves with abilities we wished we had."
Cole: "Please just humor me, it's sooo boring out here."
Gustav: "If you're so bored then go flirt with sadi, She can give you the "entertainment" you desire."
Cole: "Dude, I don't think she's a fan of long barrels"
Gustav: "Ugh, if you start again I will not hesitate to translate your tongue into sign language."
Cole: "Ok jeez, I didn't know it was that time of the week for you."
Gustav: *unsheathes Wulf's Bane*
Cole: "I mean umm, I...I understand. Sorry"
Gustav: "Super Speed."
Cole: "what?"
Gustav: "Super Speed would be my choice."
Cole: "Why?"
Gustav: "because time is limited, and life has surprises at every corner. Surprises that sometimes can happen so quickly, you don't know what's happening before it's too late."*inside a tent Mei and Sadi are chatting, as directed by Gustav they are to chat in their tents in order to keep themselves awake during overnight operations, and when they switch they are supposed to keep silence so they can focus their senses while looking out for any sentries wanting to raid their convoy.*
Sadi: "UGH... this is not how night time operations are supposed to work, he's setted it up wrong. We should be sleeping right now while one person does the night watching and take turns getting up and watching every hour, NOT WHATEVER THE HELL THIS IS !"
Mei: "I think he has us set up like this for a reason, so all 4 of us can be ready in case of an attack"
Sadi: "Really, well I think that the sukin syn whoreson is trying to make us sleep deprived, stupid blyat."
Mei: "Either way yelling about doesn't change anything, if you want to you could discuss your idea with Gustav, I mean he does listen to our opinions. That's why he doesn't drill us around like other team leaders would."
Sadi: "Ahh so you're the ass kisser of the group, What's next you gonna say you have a crush on our "glorious leader" or is it gonna be a poorly executed counter that makes your dead elders cringe."
Mei: "My mother had this saying, "Retaliating one's spoken words, is like using a magic word to open a door, It's redundant and gets you nowhere." I get that you might have had the luxury of having everything being handed to you on a silver platter, but no one is simply going to listen to your little tantrums just because you're upset. You must earn the respect of having everyone's ears in order to get the attention you desire, but most importantly you must earn the respect of your teammates. Yelling and cursing me won't solve anything..."
Sadi: "Yeah Yeah, whatever that all meant, I can honestly care less. Go cry home to your Mother and while you're at it whine about why I didn't give two damns about her lesson.
Mei: "What can I say, not everyone is gonna care about a poor girl's thoughts, but let me tell you another thing about me."
Mei: *throws a kunai in front of sadi's finger nail cutting the edge off.*
Mei: "Just because I'm a poor girl doesn't mean that I can't help myself, I've had to care for people without people caring for me because I believe people who don't care, who don't think about how others feel before they speak are arrogant, and selfish, but I try not to lash out in anger, because there are people out there who are like that for a reason, but you are a special kind of spoilt, and with that kind of attitude you might as well be blowing wind in my face."
Sadi: * shrugs * "Understood, i'm sorry"
Mei: *Removes the kunai that has cut through the table that has only the hilt sticking out the top.*
Mei: "Sorry where are my manners, want some tea to ease our nerves?"
Sadi: "Sure, that sounds nice. I'll get the cups."
Project Tampered Blood
FantasyThis is just a teaser of what is to come, there is much work to be done and this teaser is quite outdated in comparison, but why let a good teaser go to waste without further ado this is the first draft for the Franchise project Tempered Blood. How...