Chapter Thirty-Three

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I am so so SO sorry this took five billion years to get up 😞 If you've been following me you know I've had some major problems with my chronic pain as well as the thing-that-shall-not-be-named on social media. Though personally I've kind of moved on from it especially after getting more clarification from Billie. Anywayssss, moving right on and I hope you enjoy this hot mess of a chapter! I missed you guys so much 🥺

TW: This chapters contains graphic depictions of anger and anxiety and brief mentions of minor violence. Please read with caution.


We had maybe ten minutes max to lay together, her delicate fingers resting against my chest as I relished in every inch of her body laying on mine. From the way my hands fit perfectly into her curves and the way her hair tickled my chin where her rosy cheek was pressed against where she could feel my heart thumping the loudest. I wanted to curse the wind relentlessly once I heard that knock on the door. "Billie? Why aren't you with your friends if you left the party early?" My mom's voice and Liliana let out a fearful squeak as she ducked her head underneath the blanket.

"I needed to talk to Lili, mom, hang on!" My cheeks heated as I practically threw myself off of the sofa to quickly bolt the door shut. "Just give us a second please!"

"Billie Eilish O'Connell tell me you weren't doing what I think you were." Her rarely ever heard mom voice came out causing me to curse under my breath as I shot Liliana a sympathetic expression, whomst was currently darting upwards to grab her clothes.

I took in a long breath, pressing my forehead against the door, "Mother with all due respect we're both adults who live together-"

"What if someone on your team would've needed the trailer for something!" She echoed once more and I was gulping back a sassy retort as my hand tightly clasped the door handle.

"They have their own trailers, don't they? And why does it matter if everyone was at the label party anyways!" There was more force behind my tone then I intended. Soon enough I felt a t-shirt smacking my shoulder and I jolted my eyes in the direction to see Liliana had pulled on her skirt and her bralette with almost a guilty expression on her face.

"It matters because you were supposed to be there, Billie. It was part of your job." She explained and I let out another frustrated sigh as I yanked on my t-shirt.

"Give me a second, you're embarrassing my girlfriend!" I exhaled, pulling my hair out from the collar and stepping outside with barely enough space in the door to get my own body out before I slammed it once more. And I could tell she was biting back the retort she truthfully wanted to say. 'I guess there was only too much she could excuse Liliana from after all. Because it seemed very clear she was upset with her too.'

"Don't even say it!" I snapped immediately without even giving her another chance to say anything else. My breath hitched in my throat as I lifted a finger in a warning and deep down I couldn't even believe I was doing this to my own mother.

"Say what, Billie?" She questioned, a genuine confused expression on her face with her arms crossed tightly.

"Say that she should be embarrassed, I-I can tell you were going to say it I could practically hear it and- j-just don't!" I almost flinched at my own outburst, feeling my bottom lip tremble annoyingly as I clenched my hands into fists.

"I wasn't going to say that, Billie, I just don't understand why it couldn't have waited until maybe tonight whenever you got back to the hotel."

"It was a special moment for us-" I insisted, not acknowledging any of her current comments because I just simply didn't care. Maybe I should've, maybe it was good I wasn't caring. However either way I couldn't keep my eyes from repeatedly shooting back towards the trailer door wondering if she was okay and hoping she couldn't hear this conversation.

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