The Informer

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I had no idea what I was doing in that house on that night, day nor where I was exactly in the first place. I only remember waking up in a hospital bed. Apparently I had been in a coma for two days. The nurses had told me that I would be fine, and that there were no other injuries. They seemed to be avoiding certain matters. Such as, what happened to put me in the coma in the first place! 

'You should get some rest, there will be someone sent in to see you later and you may ask him questions.' The nurse told me as she quickly went on her way. 

Why was she acting so strange? Can she not even tell me why I'm even in this damn hospital!?

I had waited for what seemed like hours until someone else entered the room. Yeah-why was I in my own personal room anyway? There was a door and closed walls and everything in that small room; well, more like just a bed and a bedside table. Why wasn't there anything else in the room? I thought hospitals were supposed to have all that fancy technology stuff next to your bed and what not. Like life support? But hell, I'm not a doctor and this was my first time ever being in a hospital besides when I was first born. 

The person who entered my room was a tall man. Dressed very nice and professional. Of course I was in a hospital, and doctors always dressed nice. Right? Forget it, my mind's everywhere at the moment. 

He looked to be in his early thirties, short dark hair that was spiked up in a younger, more youthful fashion. He had dark stuble around his face which made me wonder if he even was a doctor. He was well trimmed besides that fact, although I will say he was quite attractive- not that I was interested in him. 

I watched him as he took his time to come across the room to my bedside. He leaned over, pulling out a stool that was I guess under my bed, and sitting himself right down without saying a word. I stared at him, and he looked at the ground with his hands folded in his lap on his dark pants. 

It made me a bit nervous as I waited for him to speak, which as he did walking over here, he took his time to do so. 

"Miss Cervova..." he started, turning his gaze upward meeting mine. 

I wasn't sure if he was refering to me, because I don't recall- well now that I think about it I started to remember. 

Hattie Cervova. That was my name.

"Can you explain to me what exactly you remember from two days ago?" he finished his sentence, his voice deep and almost rumbly. 

"No." I simply replied, crossing my arms as I sat up in my bed. I wasn't too comfortable around this guy.

He seemed a bit shocked at my response. "Are you just saying that to be complecated and make this difficult? Or do you simply just not remember anything."

I shook my head. "Can't remember." 

He let out a sigh, shaking his head to himself. I could tell that wasn't the answer he had hoped for.

"I see." he trailed off. "Then this will only take longer." 

I gave him a funny look, unsure why it would- or what it was he was even talking about.

He let out a friendly chuckle. "No matter. This is my job after all."

Job? "What do you mean?" I asked, curiousity getting to me.

His face straightened into a friendly smile. "I'm here to Inform you about certain matters. Such as why you are here and what brought you here."

He had my full attention now. Finally, someone to give me answers.

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