| A Mayan's Mind |

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" What do I owe to you?
Who loved me long and deep?
You never gave my spirit wings
Nor my heart a song.

But, oh, to him I loved,
Who loved me not at all,
I owe the little open gate
That led through heavens walls. "

His fingers gripped the hardcover book of poetry with sadness. While his friends spoke amongst themselves about the plans for the near future, laughing as if nothing mattered, Coco took in every word written across the pages. Their gentle tones of anguish familiar. Every bit pulling him in as if no one in his reality could understand his pain.

Closing the book, Coco took one last drag from his cigarette, scrapping the beginning of the cigarette butt across the recently dumped ashtray. The clubhouse held high spirits; Coco couldn't relish the time. Not now, possibly not ever.

Mila wasn't coming back. At least, Coco made that decision for himself. With every text, he simply swiped the notification away. With every thought, Coco buried his nose into his books or drank until he had forgotten. Those treats were only momentarily; for her touch, smell, voice, and smile always came back.

What should he do to completely forget her? Bash his head in until the memory of his past couldn't be recognized?

Coco felt ridiculous and embarrassed. She lied to save her family and in a way, he began to ruin her to gain a better life for his. If he had known, things could have been better. If she could have been honest once his heart began to beat with a rhythmic tone of love, Coco might have fixed this.

"Damn," Angel sat down beside Coco with one brow cocked. "She fucked you up real bad if she got you reading poetry."

Coco threw the book of poetry down on the table and crossed his arms upon the metal surface. Hiding his face in them. Groaning at the thought of Angel teasing him.

EZ and Gilly sat down seconds after Angel did. Gilly had been informed that Mila Rivera is actually Mila Galindo. The news nearly knocked him off his feet. How could a Galindo hide her identity for so long?

"What's wrong with reading poetry?" EZ questions before taking a big gulp of his beer.

"Because this is Coco," Angel spat as if to be annoyed by EZ's question. The older Reyes gripped at Coco's shoulder slightly shaking him. "Maybe it's easy for you, knucklehead. But Coco here is a dumbass who only reads poetry when he is pussy whipped."

Gilly chuckled as Coco took the time to slap Angel's hand away.

"It's okay, Coco," Gilly began, his smile fluttering like a goofy teenager madly in love. "I'm in love too. It hurts not seeing her every day."

EZ wrinkled his nose and winked at Gilly, "The chick you met at the casino? You've only known her for like one day. Do you even know her name?"

Angel snorts, popping his beer open.

"Her name is Julia -"

"Her name was Yolanda," Coco mumbled from the pit of his elbow. Earning Angel and EZ a good laugh.

"Er - Yolanda. And that was the best day of my life."

EZ shook his head whilst Angel looked over to see Bishop speaking with that woman of samcro. She had visited again, taking interest in their president. And for some odd reason, Bishop only held his eyes on her. There weren't any known meetings, no reason for the VP of Redwood to be here.

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