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The moonlight reflects on his face and for a second he doesn't even look human, an almost unearthly glow illuminating his skin, and even with the wounds and the scratches you can't help but stare in muted wonder, fervently wishing he was able to see how beautiful he truly is—

The words escape your mouth and you don't regret letting them out, making him stare at you in surprise for a couple of seconds before a breathtaking smile extends his lips.

"I don't know if you can see yourself— but you're pretty cute, too."

Taehyung lets his body fall on his bed and you quietly take a seat on the chair of his desk, eyes tracing his lean body as he turns his head to the side, facing you with a subtle smile on his lips.

"Dahyun" he tastes the name on his tongue, and the way he pronounces it makes a shiver run down your back. "I missed you , i cant see you but your presence makes me think of my late lover"

I feel myself flushing, words short and concise as you share what little information you have— how your memories are fuzzy and broken, how you wish you remembered your family and how you died, and Taehyung listens intently even though the words tumble out of your mouth awkwardly, not really used to talking about yourself and your strange but ruptured life.

Taehyung shares, too— and time seems to fly as he shares his worries, his pain, the things he loves and hates, how he still doesn't know what to do with his life even though he's about to finish high school, how he misses his mother that left years ago and how his father is even more broken than he is. Taehyung speaks and his voice is deep and calm, and you've never wished more for time to stop right in this moment, with the moon high in the sky and the stillness as a comfortable companion, only you and him and the faint concerns that seem so far away.

I didnt realized how much time passed, but his eyes are droopy and giving you a look you're not sure you comprehend, one that makes my temporary body heat up in a way you never thought you'd feel again. Hours have passed since you materialized and you're starting to feel a tug that's trying to take you back, to make you vanish again— but Taehyung's gaze seems to hold you in place, acute and penetrating as he gets up so he sits on the edge of the bed.

"Will you stay with me?" he asks, swallowing thickly as his fingers dig into the mattress. "I know it probably sounds stupid, but— I don't think I could handle it if you moved on again"

Move on. The knowledge that you'll have to leave the human world one day is so firm in your head it's almost scary, and you can only hope it won't happen yet, not in many years, not while Taehyung's still alive in this world, laughing and living and struggling. You nod, feeling confident in your answer.

"Of course I'll stay."

He extends his hand then, and you don't hesitate as you get up and take a few steps towards him, stopping when your legs are grazing his. His hand takes yours and he lifts it to place a soft kiss on top of your knuckles, which makes a fiery tingle warm up your skin.


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