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I woke up at around 8 am. I was still quite tired but I managed to get up. I went to my kitchen so I could make myself a cup of coffee. When I walked Into the room I saw a figure, I didn't see who It was because I only saw the back of their body. I was scared, why Is someone In my house? I was too shocked to move, When the shock went away I started to try to comunicate with that person. I wanted to be extra careful I didn't know If the person was mentally ill. 

"Hello? Please Leave my house or I will consider calling the police." I said carefully while observing the person's movements. 

"It would be a shame If you did, 'Wrong number' " I froze, Only one person calls me that. Only one person knows that nickname.


"Hello George." I saw him turn around while holding a cup of coffee 

I didn't know what to do? I was obviously dreaming. This couldn't be real, as much as I wanted It to be It just couldn't. 

"Dream?" I asked, I didn't know what to say. It was too much of a shook to me. 

I heard him chuckle, he walked up to me and said In a very tired and somewhat comforting voice

"I missed you" I could hear his voice break down as he hugged me as If he never wanted to let go. 

My tears fell, I didn't think it would stop to be completely honest. It was weird to hear that voice, the voice I thought I had forgotten forever. 

I never felt this way, the happiness of holding him In my arms but the sadness because I Just knew that It wasn't real. 

We talked for what had felt like eternity, I never asked him how he managed to get here..partley because I never wanted to know the answer.
 - - - - - 

I decided to take a walk with Dream, Go to get ice cream. And hang out like normal friends would do, I ignored the fact I was holding someone's hand who was supposed to be 50 years In the past. 

We got ice cream, joked around and the day ended. Just like that. We went back to my house and I Went to take a shower while Dream admired the lime handprint over his own "So he really did hold my hand" he chuckled to himself with a teasing voice
- - - - -

When I opened the bathroom door I saw Dream with a neutral look on his face, I Looked at what he was holding and saw 

The cord, the very cord he ordered Wilbur to cut.   

"We made so many memories, and It's all thanks to that stupid string." He started to laugh 

I laughed too, It wasn't a sad laugh. It was a happy laugh, As much as I hated the fact we couldn't be together I'm so happy It happened.

"George, you should sleep..It's getting late" Dream put the cord back on the shelf and began to approach me 

"Alright then, you can sleep on the couch" I smiled while he patted my head

"Mhm." he slowly pulled away his hand and headed towards the couch 

"Goodnight, old man" I chuckled to myself when I saw him struggling with the blanket 

"Goodnight, Wrong number"

I felt myself drown in my dream, I saw him I saw Clay standing there. He didn't do anything I just heard a soft "I'm sorry" and a "We will meet again." 
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
I woke up

"Where's dream." I Said while my thoughts ran 100mils for an hour. 

"No, no. no no This couldn't be happening" I thought to myself while my tears appeared.

"It was all just a dream." 

A/n: I changed this chapter a bit cause It was so shitty- Hope you enjoyed It more now :) 

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