getting ready

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Jen pov

David and Jade where just home when I heard a knock on the door. I opended the door and i saw Chris with all his stuff. Heyy come in I said and we walked to the livingroom. Hello David! Heyy Chris. And you must be Jade he said with a smile on his face. Yes that is me she answered. I heard so much about you. Your mom can't stop talking about you he added. Is that so. And Jade looked at me. So who do you wanna do first i asked. Lets start with Jade Chris answered. Jade nodded and sat down on the chair.

Me and David walked outside. So Jade came up with this amezing idea David said with a big smile on his face. I walked closer to him and he puted his hands around my weast. And what is that good idea I answered. To couple Court and Matthew! I started laughing. Yes that is a good idea but Court does not talk that much about him like she always did. That is because he has changed David said. In side and out he added. True I can ask Court what she thinks of him when I see her again. Great! I will ask Matthew. David kissed me very hard and long for my feeling. I love you so much Beautiful! He kissed my for head and I started cuddeling him.

She is done! Chris screamed. Me and David walked inside and wow she whas so pretty. Her hair whas up. And he had putted curls in her hair to so it gives more effect. Her make - up whas on top and much but not to much. And she whore this beautiful red dress. Her lipstick whas also red. She also whore black pumps. Wow! David said. You look pretty! I added. Thanks mom she answered. Now it is your turn Jen Chris said and I satt down on the chair. 

Jade pov

I walked to my room to look in my big mirror. Wow! I looked so different then normal. I had never wore so much make - up and still look pretty enough. I heard David walk upstairs. I am going to change I a suit he said and I nodded. I am so exited because I am meating Ellen! I love her show so much and I have watched every intervieuw with her and my mom. She is just so funny I love her humor.

I walked downstairs and my mom whas almost ready. Her hair whas done and it whas just straight but at the same time so beautiful. Her make - up wasen't ready yet. Chris whas doing the last things. After 4 minutes she whas ready. And wow she whas stunning! At the same time David walked downstairs. Jen you are so pretty he said and kissed her. Watch the lipstick Chris said laughing. My mom payed Chris and he walked out of the house.

When do we have to leave I asked. Over 30 minutes so we can talk about your idea my mom said. I whas confused. Wich idea? You wanna couple Court en Matthew I heard she answered. Yes woulden't be that amezing! I almost yelled of Joy. I think they are ment for each other I added. I think to David said trying not to laugh. I looked at him and we both coulden't handle it and we started laughing. We can invite them both over soon my mom said. David and I agreed.

Next update will be Sunday instead of Saterday because al lot of private things are happening to me. Hope you guys will understand! 💗

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