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Jade pov

we arived at the primeré and wow it whas so beautiful. My mom holded my hand tight because there whas alot of papparazzi. I saw a big red carpet. We got to the cameras and the journalists who all didn't know about me yet. You could see the confusing looks. They saw my mom with me and David Schwimmer. Who is this girl a journalist yelled. This is my lost daughter my mom said and i smiled at her. Last daughter what do you mean a other journalist asked. Its a long story my mom answered. David had putted his hand on the back of my mom. Are you guys dating someone asked. Yes we are David answered and my mom hugged him.

We walked to a big door in a big room. OMG! there whas Ellen right in front of me. Hey Jen she said. My mom walked to her and they hugged. You have explaining to do on my show Jen. Awh do you miss me on your show my mom said. Yes i kinda do and pleas bring Jade i would love a mother and daughter intervieuw. Do you want that my mom asked to me. Yes i would i answered. I am getting i drink i said and i walked away.

I arived at a big table with drinks and snacks. I looked at my left and OMG i saw FREAKING SARAH PAULSON!!! Ok Jade act normal i said to myself. Hey sarah said realy relaxed. Hey i said back freaking out inside. Aren't you the daughter of Jennifer? Jup that's me. I like your outfit by the way. Thankyou i answered. OMG she just gave me a compliment. I like your dress too i said calm. Yes me too she answered and we both started laughing. Well nice to meet you see ya around Sarah said and she walked away. I had my drink and i walked back to my mother.

She whas still talking to Ellen. So i just stood next to them. I saw David talking to men but idk who that is. I looked closer i could see he whas around 20 and very hot. Then i heard music playing and i saw Sarah dancing on the table. Jade come join me she yelled. I runned to the table and also started dancing. I had the biggest smile on my face because it whas fun. People started to join uss others started recording. My mom record and smiled. David stood next her and also smiled.

Jen pov

she is so weird i said to David. I think she is my daughter he said laughing. I putted my hand around his waist. He did the same and it felted so good. I turned around to him and kissed him. He kissed me back. He took my hand and we walked to a bathroom. He checked and there whas no one. He locled the door and started kissing me. He lifted me up and satt me down on a table in the room. He went with his head in my legs. I felt that he took down my underwear. He kissed my legs. He did putted down his pants. He kissed me again and i kissed him back. While kissing me he started fucking me. Yes pleas i moaned. Dang miss Aniston he moaned.

Jade pov

heyy did you see my mom i asked Ellen. She whent to the bathroom. Thanyou. I walked to the bathroom but the door whas locked. I heard somthing and OMG are you kidding me! i knocked on the door as hard as i could. Yes? my mom said confused. Can you guys fuck some where else i yelled a bit angry. My mom unlocked the door. Sorry Jade. No your not i can't believe you.

I walked back to the party. Did you find your mom Ellen asked me. Yes kind of i said. I saw my mom and David walking in the room. I tried to walk away. Jade?! i looked around and i saw William. William why are you here? I am here with my aunt. Do I know her I asked. No she isen't famous. I have a queastion Jade. Oh pleas ask. Do you wanna go on a date with me? Yes I would love to! Great I will text you soon. Amezing! Jade whe are going home Davis wispered in my ear. I said goodbye to William and we walked to the car.

Next update : Wensday!  💗

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